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Registered:  29 Oct 2013
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Age:  32
Location:  BC
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Timezone:  America/Vancouver
Country:  Canada
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  2 Nov 2013
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Re: HAWKEN: Mech FPS aiming for esports
Posted @ 04:56 GMT 2 Nov 2013
Re: HAWKEN: Mech FPS aiming for esports
Posted @ 15:00 GMT 29 Oct 2013
Well I mentioned the contracts as indication of their interest in the comp scene
Re: HAWKEN: Mech FPS aiming for esports
Posted @ 13:56 GMT 29 Oct 2013
As far as I can tell there have been plans for competitive play since before the
HAWKEN: Mech FPS aiming for esports
Posted @ 11:19 GMT 29 Oct 2013
Hi, I've been interested in getting involved with competitive gaming, and got in
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