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Posts: 19
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  9 Mar 2014
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  QLC Team
Age:  Undisclosed
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  America/Toronto
Country:  Canada
Avatar:  Void
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  3 made, 3 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  500
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  16 Jul 2014
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 17:13 GMT 17 Jun 2014
Right now, we have 10 people signed up for the Duel cup. Signups close tomorrow,
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 20:57 GMT 8 Jun 2014
If by each individual tournament you mean the competition date, time, and durati
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 17:19 GMT 4 Jun 2014
Thank you for your questions! 1. Casual Team Games are simply games with the
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 02:59 GMT 4 Jun 2014
We'd just like to know what information you feel is lacking from the thread and
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 02:57 GMT 4 Jun 2014
We hold a policy of equal opportunity for all players; but if cmss and such play
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 02:35 GMT 4 Jun 2014
Thank you for the warning. We'll do our best to not feed the trolls.
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 00:22 GMT 4 Jun 2014
What we mean by "acquiring" and "running" servers is that we will have select pe
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 00:22 GMT 4 Jun 2014
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts! First I would like to warn you
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 23:42 GMT 3 Jun 2014
Ah, right. Our servers will be North American only for now. If there is enoug
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 21:46 GMT 3 Jun 2014
We've amended the overtime restriction to allow for as many overtimes as it take
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 21:46 GMT 3 Jun 2014
So if I'm understanding this right, the cmss rule keeps certain players (in part
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 21:46 GMT 3 Jun 2014
Thank you for your comment! Regarding ping/server choice: We will do our
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 19:57 GMT 3 Jun 2014
OK, that is a very valid point. I'll amend the rulebook and remove any such over
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 19:41 GMT 3 Jun 2014
The player need not think about the rule during gameplay; it is up to the refere
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 19:41 GMT 3 Jun 2014
We just wanted to avoid having one map drag on for too long. From what we've see
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 19:41 GMT 3 Jun 2014
I'm sorry, but we're not familiar with what you mean by "cmss rule." Could you p
Re: New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 19:41 GMT 3 Jun 2014
We are working on getting an IRC up right now! We didn't consider having an I
New Community Quake live Tournament
Posted @ 02:47 GMT 3 Jun 2014
***EDIT: Registration is now over. That said, feel free to watch the tournament
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