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Posts: 6
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Registered:  30 Mar 2014
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Timezone:  Europe/Stockholm
Country:  Norway
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Judgements:  2 made, 0 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  12 Jun 2017
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Re: Calling all moscovian quakers
Posted @ 18:28 GMT 25 Apr 2017
Thanks a lot! I'll check them all out. I have the same 120hz back home (Matr
Re: Calling all moscovian quakers
Posted @ 16:17 GMT 25 Apr 2017
That's a good suggestion, but I'd much rather go somewhere else and play. My pla
Re: Calling all moscovian quakers
Posted @ 16:17 GMT 25 Apr 2017
I live near the VDNKh metro (kibalchicha ulitsa). As for when: from now until ea
Re: Calling all moscovian quakers
Posted @ 13:55 GMT 25 Apr 2017
Forum doesn't take kindly to cyrillic letters it seems. Thanks in advance for
Calling all moscovian quakers
Posted @ 13:13 GMT 25 Apr 2017
I'm spending a few months in Moscow and would like to play some quake while I'm
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