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Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 08:51 GMT 28 Apr 2014
Because 1vs1 LG is all that matters? Have you forgotten about rockets/rail? :p
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 08:09 GMT 28 Apr 2014
Man, I shouldn't feed the troll... Do you think the pros using mouseaccel are
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 21:07 GMT 27 Apr 2014
Ok! If that works for you then great. Personally accel does wonders for my ai
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 13:13 GMT 27 Apr 2014
In a sense we're doing the same thing. With mouseaccelpower >2 you have a logari
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 13:12 GMT 27 Apr 2014
Something wrong with accel?
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 13:12 GMT 27 Apr 2014
Are you saying you use the same sensitivity without any accel on all weapons?
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 13:12 GMT 27 Apr 2014
According to he does? Eve
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 13:12 GMT 27 Apr 2014
What about all the other weapons? How good are you with the rail? rockets? Are y
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 17:43 GMT 26 Apr 2014
On another note, is there anyone who knows if there's a way to mimic the accel s
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 17:39 GMT 26 Apr 2014
[q]This is fascinating. Have you tried the Icemat before? Is the surface compara
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 17:39 GMT 26 Apr 2014
Upon testing I know you're correct. It's just me liking the segment with accel :
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 11:36 GMT 26 Apr 2014
Increasing mouseaccel makes it feel like the trigger point for switching from lo
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 09:34 GMT 26 Apr 2014
I bought it from the local glass specialist, unfortunately he didn't have 4mm th
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 09:34 GMT 26 Apr 2014
I tried out your settings and they produce a similar result, but the increase of
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 09:09 GMT 26 Apr 2014
[q]large frosted glass sheet as mousepad.[/q] I went to the local glass speci
Re: Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 22:55 GMT 25 Apr 2014
You mean in conjunction with offset and senscap? Anyhow I tried it out and it's
Very interesting (imho) accelsetup
Posted @ 18:40 GMT 25 Apr 2014
Previously I've used different accels for different weapons (even different sens
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