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Posts: 4
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Level:  New User
Registered:  29 Aug 2014
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Country:  Netherlands
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Last Login:  31 Aug 2014
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Re: K1llsen spotted!
Posted @ 01:20 GMT 31 Aug 2014
Killsen is also known as lllllllll. I played him numerious times. Lol dude
Re: The great debate: nerfed LG. Why?
Posted @ 23:45 GMT 29 Aug 2014
Thats not true. For players with average LG aim accouracy (20-25 for the most in
Re: The great debate: nerfed LG. Why?
Posted @ 23:45 GMT 29 Aug 2014
Thats actually my post.. so wtf r u talking about? You must be an LG-only noob t
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