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Re: G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 05:16 GMT 11 Sep 2014
So is it on all dpi or just higher dpi to remove/reduce jitter? I play on 400 dp
Re: G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 19:36 GMT 10 Sep 2014
yeah i have the good version. I remember using a friends mx518 and I went into p
Re: G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 06:08 GMT 9 Sep 2014
I like the shape and weight of the WMO more but that's all, everything else on t
Re: G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 18:09 GMT 3 Sep 2014
Yeah I was really looking towards that mouse but since I have 4 g400s and 2 wmo'
Re: G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 18:09 GMT 3 Sep 2014
Is this smoothing on ALL dpi? I play at 400. And is it an input lag or just weir
Re: G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 17:56 GMT 3 Sep 2014
Yeah I should just pick one and get rid of the others. I have 4 g400s and 2 wmo'
Re: G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 17:56 GMT 3 Sep 2014
The cable of the g400 im using now broke and i replaced it with a thicker cable
G400 or WMO 1.1a - Can't Decide
Posted @ 06:40 GMT 3 Sep 2014
I know there are many of these threads but I want my own. I keep switching back
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