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Location:  Liverpool
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Last Login:  23 Apr 2020
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Re: one of us passed away ;-(
Posted @ 14:56 GMT 12 May 2018
I liked dogbone and played with him on many occasions. I always found him to be
Re: Dogs server settings. Team balance p
Posted @ 11:18 GMT 29 May 2017
I saw this thread and realised the
Dogs server settings. Team balance proposals
Posted @ 10:28 GMT 28 May 2017
This is a copy of an e-mail I sent to naa the dogs server admin Hi naa,
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 15:07 GMT 24 Aug 2016
Thank you sya_ .... thats straight from the crack... ;-)
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 15:05 GMT 24 Aug 2016
Hi Daniel2, Yes thats true, Id done half the job when they restricted specs t
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 14:55 GMT 24 Aug 2016
Hey M1zzu, I would just like to say thanks again for this post. I was so impres
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 15:50 GMT 23 Aug 2016
Thanks for posting this..I never realised Warsow was so fast.. Its like CPMA x 2
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 08:20 GMT 20 Aug 2016
hI Pill_ I played it too. I also remember Insta-Spawn being used at the same
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 11:47 GMT 18 Aug 2016
Hi Tripleight, I dont think the only option you have is to target a weaker pl
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 19:52 GMT 17 Aug 2016
Well if the variables required to implement it are exposed to minqlx then yes I
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 19:39 GMT 17 Aug 2016
Hi filo, They wont be doing it for someone else, they'll be doing it for them
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 17:54 GMT 17 Aug 2016
You could, but the enemy team would simply all use the same Keel/Sarge model. bi
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 17:41 GMT 17 Aug 2016
The comments made by Tripleight (#32) and its reply filo (#35) both highlight th
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 16:41 GMT 17 Aug 2016
Hey filo, You hit on an interesting point here when you say you like CA becau
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 15:28 GMT 17 Aug 2016
Perhaps i should have said I [i]suspect its a LOT[/i]. Personally I find the pro
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 14:46 GMT 17 Aug 2016
Its for just this reason I have voice chat disabled...for me its the challenge o
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 00:47 GMT 17 Aug 2016
Perhaps the names could be supressed by a plugin for minqlx?
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 00:44 GMT 17 Aug 2016
I dont advocate their complete removal, just the provision of a server option...
Re: Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 01:29 GMT 16 Aug 2016
This is a wider issue affecting a LOT of players...its not player specific.. It
Remove CH names in CA stop the gang!
Posted @ 19:46 GMT 15 Aug 2016
Hi guys, I think it would be a positive step to remove crosshair identificati
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