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Posts: 8
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  New User
Registered:  27 Dec 2014
Email:  Undisclosed
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Age:  64
Location:  Osijek, Croatia
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Zagreb
Country:  Croatia
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  3 made, 0 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  8 Jan 2015
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Re: The Hackening Quake Live Xmas Editio
Posted @ 23:05 GMT 8 Jan 2015
but still your mother did not mind it :*
Re: The Hackening Quake Live Xmas Editio
Posted @ 03:27 GMT 3 Jan 2015
dude, I'm not retarded :) What I'm saying is: I was accused of cheating on my
Re: The Hackening Quake Live Xmas Editio
Posted @ 03:27 GMT 3 Jan 2015
GJ comparing murder and rape with cheating in an online game :) you must be suc
Re: The Hackening Quake Live Xmas Editio
Posted @ 03:26 GMT 2 Jan 2015
well that is not an evidence that I did not cheat on 32bit, true, but where exac
Re: The Hackening Quake Live Xmas Editio
Posted @ 23:37 GMT 1 Jan 2015
Also there is some gameplay on youtube on me playing on Jedimaster account https
Re: The Hackening Quake Live Xmas Editio
Posted @ 23:15 GMT 1 Jan 2015
Huler... lol... yes I used stat1c_ and jedimaster account which are now banned
Re: The Hackening Quake Live Xmas Editio
Posted @ 17:53 GMT 27 Dec 2014
Nice list you got there... I wounder if it's even 50% accurate :) A lot of peopl
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