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Posts: 18
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Registered:  16 Aug 2015
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Age:  2024
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Last Login:  24 Aug 2015
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Re: Reflex 0.36 is out
Posted @ 13:04 GMT 24 Aug 2015
[q]There are no points, it's just you crying about the self-proclaimed supreme s
Re: Reflex 0.36 is out
Posted @ 01:09 GMT 24 Aug 2015
I DOUBT Reflex will be a success at a mainstream level, but still, I don't want
Re: hostile quake fans
Posted @ 21:21 GMT 23 Aug 2015
It's always good to see fellow men spitting objective truth. One shall defend th
Re: Reflex 0.36 is out
Posted @ 20:59 GMT 23 Aug 2015
What last argument? I've been counterpointing everything with logic. I only pla
Re: Reflex 0.36 is out
Posted @ 20:49 GMT 23 Aug 2015
Really? I know you can disable them. The matter here is making it forced disable
Re: Reflex 0.36 is out
Posted @ 22:01 GMT 21 Aug 2015
Those don't show up in duel, and those are easily disabled. In Reflex you are fu
Re: Thunderdome 1v1 grand finals
Posted @ 22:01 GMT 21 Aug 2015
Bulat feels like a mega rustic Cooller to me. As if Cooller developed in Siberia
Re: Next update and pro subscription
Posted @ 00:00 GMT 21 Aug 2015
In what planet im lucky to ping 80ms? Does weird live in japan?
Re: Thunderdome 1v1 grand finals
Posted @ 00:00 GMT 21 Aug 2015
Bulat... what a beautiful man.
Re: thinkin of writing books (raw ideas)
Posted @ 00:00 GMT 21 Aug 2015
The Av3k bio alone would deliver a good Tarantino movie.
Re: Next update and pro subscription
Posted @ 18:56 GMT 19 Aug 2015
Well, I paid to have 15ms latency until they fucked up the nearest servers, now
Re: Reflex 0.36 is out
Posted @ 18:56 GMT 19 Aug 2015
Reflex has GUI Timers, it will never be a proper replacement for Quake, not in a
Re: CTF Legends
Posted @ 18:56 GMT 19 Aug 2015
Re: Next update and pro subscription
Posted @ 22:12 GMT 16 Aug 2015
What do you mean, less servers as in less locations? The problem still stands.
Next update and pro subscription
Posted @ 19:32 GMT 16 Aug 2015
So we are seeing servers drop like flyes. A ton of people now can't play because
Re: QL servers closing
Posted @ 13:59 GMT 16 Aug 2015
Not sure if serious. Has Syncerror commented on this? Can I get a serious repl
Re: QL servers closing
Posted @ 13:08 GMT 16 Aug 2015
Can anyone explain what's the point of having a pro subscription after the next
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