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Registered:  28 Oct 2015
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Last Login:  2 Nov 2019
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Re: TEMP FPS fix for 8/3 steam client up
Posted @ 09:22 GMT 10 Mar 2016
Appreciated, now to keep steam open until they fix the damn thing.
Re: +speed broken for me with new ql
Posted @ 11:41 GMT 28 Oct 2015
Alright, finally fixed the issue, eventho in my cfgs i have in_joystick 0 set i
Re: +speed broken for me with new ql
Posted @ 05:42 GMT 28 Oct 2015
Alright, so i have a better understanding of what actually broke for me in this
Re: +speed broken for me with new ql
Posted @ 05:18 GMT 28 Oct 2015
No i don't have it bound in steam that i know of. I've tried changing my gr
+speed broken for me with new ql
Posted @ 02:38 GMT 28 Oct 2015
I use mouse4 for +speed and it will just not work. Can bind mouse4 to +movedown
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