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Posts: 16
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  29 Oct 2015
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Bret G
Age:  Undisclosed
Location:  Detroit, MI
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  America/New_York
Country:  United States of America
Avatar:  ESR-Logo-Red
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  5 made, 0 received
Bets Placed:  0 (Rank: -)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  0
Buddied by:  0 users
Last Login:  25 Feb 2016
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: The money "never" sleeps with Quake
Posted @ 01:49 GMT 18 Feb 2016
Mistake in total earnings. It should say: 1. US 2: US 3. Sweden
Re: Why does k1llsen plays quake at age
Posted @ 22:55 GMT 31 Dec 2015
I don't get it? is ray a troll? I thought he was too retarded to troll. Is he se
Re: Steam Server Browser 2.23
Posted @ 03:52 GMT 30 Dec 2015
nice job!!
Re: Aspect ratios in QL - UHD etc
Posted @ 06:17 GMT 21 Dec 2015
I would set it some other 16:9 resolution with black bars to compare. such as 1
Re: Aspect ratios in QL - UHD etc
Posted @ 20:57 GMT 20 Dec 2015
I don't know what you mean by squished but if you increase the fov it really inc
Re: Quake Live Update
Posted @ 21:37 GMT 16 Dec 2015
need to add cg_voiceChatIndicator [b]2[/b] so that the indicator will be on the
Re: Failed to authenticate with steam ER
Posted @ 20:43 GMT 16 Dec 2015
are you sure your system is stable? trying running a benchmarking software like
Re: Post a screenshot of your config 201
Posted @ 08:03 GMT 25 Nov 2015
r_lodbias also changes the size of the characters, so keep that in mind. I like
Re: Post a screenshot of your config 201
Posted @ 19:39 GMT 24 Nov 2015
also r_lodbias 1 if you want the rocket to be more of an outline.
Re: Post a screenshot of your config 201
Posted @ 06:32 GMT 24 Nov 2015
Re: Lost World duel lesson#1 Starting Sp
Posted @ 20:36 GMT 10 Nov 2015
i watch videos like these and am learning duel still. why don't you add to the
Re: What the hell , help specator
Posted @ 17:56 GMT 10 Nov 2015
i just put followplayerex in for anyteamgame small at the bottom so i know whom
Re: ELO returns... kinda
Posted @ 16:51 GMT 5 Nov 2015
do the servers allow plugins that will enable a shuffle using the new stats? se
Re: QL future in community's hands
Posted @ 16:10 GMT 29 Oct 2015
TF2 lobby worked well, something like that possibly. There was an identifier in
Re: Someone mind explaining how the....
Posted @ 16:09 GMT 29 Oct 2015
Timing is everything, quake or some variant will come back once the true e-hipst
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