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Registered:  4 Mar 2002
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Age:  41
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Last Login:  20 Dec 2006
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Re: Nilbog killing Onyxia
Posted @ 21:51 GMT 12 Apr 2005
My guild Timeless on the server Lightning's Blade killed her this weekend. We ha
Re: djWHEAT G4TechTV Video
Posted @ 17:49 GMT 29 Jan 2005
That was more informative and interesting than any other tv coverage I have seen
Re: Fragged by LeXeR - Final
Posted @ 05:51 GMT 17 Apr 2004
Because Lexer is an american badass right?
Re: Fragged by LeXeR - Final
Posted @ 05:49 GMT 17 Apr 2004
He is canadian, has same isp as me =)
Re: 100,000 bottles of beer on the wall.
Posted @ 05:23 GMT 12 Apr 2004
98,024 bottles of beer on the wall, take one down, pass it around, 98,023 bot
Re: Q5 - Reborn by Mr. White
Posted @ 20:45 GMT 9 Apr 2004
I watched the entire movie without subtitles and I still found it to be an amazi
Re: post 2000
Posted @ 23:45 GMT 31 Jan 2004
Then ignore me =). As long as you stop posting I am happy.
Re: post 2000
Posted @ 22:46 GMT 31 Jan 2004
You are doing the same thing he is.
Re: post 2000
Posted @ 18:13 GMT 31 Jan 2004
If you read the reply you would know what the purpose of it was.
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 14:02 GMT 13 Jan 2004
Considering they were under such tight time constraints, your dam right I would
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 00:51 GMT 13 Jan 2004
People that don't show up on time don't deserve to advance.
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 21:23 GMT 12 Jan 2004
Well if el isn't even there at the tournament to play, why would you want him to
Re: 'Modern Day Gamer 2' film released!
Posted @ 18:06 GMT 23 Nov 2003
I had no problems watching it.
Re: WinterHaste2: Q3 CTF Movie
Posted @ 02:55 GMT 5 Oct 2003
The visuals and editing were very well done. The most interesting part was defin
Re: 4Kings RTCW Movie released
Posted @ 15:26 GMT 27 Sep 2003
By far one of the best gaming movies EVER, if not the best! Good job!
Re: EYE for an EYE
Posted @ 22:04 GMT 21 Sep 2003
Re: TechTV QuakeCon Coverage Video
Posted @ 19:12 GMT 31 Aug 2003
I saw Socrates, Zero4 and czm in there =).
Re: 'ESReality Uncut' Film Released!!
Posted @ 05:50 GMT 5 Aug 2003
Ah it is on the old T4... that game was from December 2001... a long time ago it
Re: 'ESReality Uncut' Film Released!!
Posted @ 04:35 GMT 5 Aug 2003
That part confused me, he says T4 and you say T4, but T4 doesn't have a RA. Then
Re: 'ESReality Uncut' Film Released!!
Posted @ 00:48 GMT 5 Aug 2003
NICE! Downloading now at about 110k/sec =x.
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