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Posts: 11
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  26 Apr 2002
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iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Brussels
Country:  Belgium
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  2 made, 13 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  2000
Buddied by:  4 users
Last Login:  10 Dec 2012
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: SpartaCup #2: The Christmas Edition
Posted @ 13:57 GMT 10 Dec 2012
Awesome! Wish I could play it, but ping from australia is just not favorable. Ma
Re: Warsow 0.7 Release Cup
Posted @ 11:21 GMT 1 Jun 2012
For all new players: Plz try out 0.6 in stead.. which is the better version b
L!N -vs- prj
Posted @ 13:02 GMT 19 Jun 2011
Friendly game between Lost !n Nirvana and Project. Enjoy :)
Re: Warsow 0.6 is here!
Posted @ 03:19 GMT 20 Dec 2010
I have the exact same problem. Disappears after a few minutes in game, but his t
Re: komodochas -vs- mote
Posted @ 19:48 GMT 8 Jun 2006
Yeah we want more wsw demo's !! GoGo !! :)
Re: fox -vs- St_Germain
Posted @ 03:01 GMT 23 Jan 2006
The display of control by fox is amasing on this map ! Really nice !! :)
Re: TooGoood -vs- Marshall
Posted @ 19:43 GMT 15 Jan 2006
Thankz a lot, I ll give it a try right away ! +
Re: TooGoood -vs- Marshall
Posted @ 08:19 GMT 15 Jan 2006
For some reason quality is very bad here. Runs at spikey FPS and it doesn t run
Re: New UT2003 jump technique by Dromer
Posted @ 10:47 GMT 7 Mar 2003
Yeh just to clear all doubts here, no rocket launcher is used here :)
Re: New UT2003 jump technique by Dromer
Posted @ 18:44 GMT 6 Mar 2003
Thanks stevo for editing all the small pieces :) If you can t do the jumps fe
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