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Registered:  16 May 2002
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Age:  52
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Re: ESWC 08 Russia Q3: Nike and Cooller
Posted @ 00:06 GMT 8 Jun 2008
Yes he is.
Re: ESWC 08 Russia Q3: Nike and Cooller
Posted @ 19:37 GMT 7 Jun 2008
Missed the last 2 years, who is he?
Re: fnatic.Cypher -vs- LaMzk1llmas
Posted @ 14:33 GMT 31 May 2008
this makes me horny
Re: Firingsquad -vs- Death Team
Posted @ 02:39 GMT 20 Feb 2006
they dont have to be extracted, if it helps you rename them to "*.mvd"
Re: Can we send only CZM ?
Posted @ 12:50 GMT 10 Jul 2005
cause cl0ck is the best ctf-attacker in ze world?
Re: Reaction time (ms) to light stimulu
Posted @ 22:43 GMT 7 Aug 2004
a few years older than drexciyian :P
Re: Reaction time (ms) to light stimulu
Posted @ 21:38 GMT 7 Aug 2004
222 the first time, 2nd time 207 the older the better i guess 8]
Re: Sweden - Denmark: 2-2???
Posted @ 22:10 GMT 22 Jun 2004
lol, as if a team that couldn't make one goal vs latvia can make one vs a fully
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 00:03 GMT 13 Jan 2004
lol, yeah, whatever. z4 wasn't part of this anyway....
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 22:16 GMT 12 Jan 2004
it's not about a different score in the game, it's about z4 being part of this s
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 21:36 GMT 12 Jan 2004
if i remember correctly it was more like wheat and the american team brought thi
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 21:15 GMT 12 Jan 2004
my thought about this is, that cl0ck had the choice between not telling anything
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 20:34 GMT 12 Jan 2004
would have been enough if he would have said "no way man"....
Re: CXG: Behind closed doors (by cl0ck)
Posted @ 18:37 GMT 12 Jan 2004
plz not this bullshit again. Cooller didn't conspire with anyone and all specula
Re: forZe<>Cooller -vs- forZe<>el_pajuo
Posted @ 13:12 GMT 11 Jan 2004
harharhar, great game and this time it was elpajuo who fooled around =) btw f
Re: EYE for an EYE
Posted @ 12:38 GMT 22 Sep 2003
Now look at all the lucky germans with their 90k down at max ;)
Re: some nice pics :)))
Posted @ 13:32 GMT 20 Sep 2003
up to date i don't choose "chicks" for their breast. If you're in a relationship
Re: some nice pics :)))
Posted @ 01:01 GMT 20 Sep 2003
that's defenitely [b]not[/b] funny :P
Re: some nice pics :)))
Posted @ 00:37 GMT 20 Sep 2003
first i don't like big boobs (nice formed small ones are sexually more attractiv
Re: some nice pics :)))
Posted @ 00:13 GMT 20 Sep 2003
fraternities too aren't something "normal" here (maybe for lawyers) so i didn't
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