Went to watch it last night at my local Vue cinema. It started at 8.30, being abit of an alco, me and my friend decided to go for a drink first, we got there at 7.45 headed next door to the bar in hollywood bowl. We then had a drink and chatted about things, mainly v for vendetta and what our expectations were.
We had agreed on the fact that it was going to rock due to the fact it was made by the same ppl who made the matrix, (neither of us remember there actual names), and also the fact that it had natalie portman in, who we both think is hot!
Anyway, we walked into a suprisingly empty cinema considering there was 10mins left till the film started, and considering it was a Saturday night we both expected it to be packed.
So the film started and about 15minutes into the film i start needing a piss. About an hour passes and i still need a piss but i refused to miss a minute of the film as i really cudnt see a boring part of the film coming. Another 10mins pass and im bursting to the point i think im actually gonna wee my pants, so eventually i go toilet and it felt good! (you know the feeling)
Turns out i didnt miss anything too important to the film, but i will be watching it again, because i cudnt really pay much attention to the film because i needed to piss!
Lesson to be learnt -
Dont drink beer or anything before you go see V for Vendetta because u really wont wanna miss a peice of the action or story, but if you do need to go toilet, go as soon as you need to because if u wait, u wont be able to concentrate on watching the movie, which kinda spoiled it for me last night!
The film rocked, what more can i say!
We had agreed on the fact that it was going to rock due to the fact it was made by the same ppl who made the matrix, (neither of us remember there actual names), and also the fact that it had natalie portman in, who we both think is hot!
Anyway, we walked into a suprisingly empty cinema considering there was 10mins left till the film started, and considering it was a Saturday night we both expected it to be packed.
So the film started and about 15minutes into the film i start needing a piss. About an hour passes and i still need a piss but i refused to miss a minute of the film as i really cudnt see a boring part of the film coming. Another 10mins pass and im bursting to the point i think im actually gonna wee my pants, so eventually i go toilet and it felt good! (you know the feeling)
Turns out i didnt miss anything too important to the film, but i will be watching it again, because i cudnt really pay much attention to the film because i needed to piss!
Lesson to be learnt -
Dont drink beer or anything before you go see V for Vendetta because u really wont wanna miss a peice of the action or story, but if you do need to go toilet, go as soon as you need to because if u wait, u wont be able to concentrate on watching the movie, which kinda spoiled it for me last night!
The film rocked, what more can i say!
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