First thing I know is I'm talking my hot neighbour (about 30, red shoulder-length hair, slim, doesn't exist in real-life duh), I don't know about what, maybe I was just peeping at her, the next moment we're both in a public bath. While she is sitting at the side of the pool I decide to swim to the other side. When I'm there a woman followed by 2 men runs towards me telling me that a guy went missing, if I could search for him. I turn around, shout for a friend who I went to school with 10 years ago (haven't seen him since then btw duh) and we both and a few men are heading off. Suddenly we're on an open field, there's a road, reeds at one side, a cornfield at the other. Someone points to the reeds, shouting that he sees something and we all look. I realize it's a gigantic lindworm (I read a book about a lindworm about ~15 years ago duh) which has now detected us and starts approaching us. Everybody runs away in fear but I decide to only run a few steps and fake drop dead in the cornfield, telling myself if I don't move it won't find me and it's better than running away and shouting in an open area with a fucking superior lindworm behind me. Anyway, a few seconds pass and nothing happens. I then turn my head to the right and I see like 10 orcs runsacking the field searching for me or dead people, dunno. I realize I'm fucked since there are suddenly no crops in front of me anymore and I'm lying there pretty much exposed. One orc approaches me and just before he finds me a burning arrow strucks him and a few other orcs down. I look past his dropping body and see what looks to be a World of Warcraft raid group of about 15 to 20 people running towards me. The next second they have already passed me and are running further, likely to the lindworm. The view switches to 3rd person now and I'm a Tauren warlock or something. I'm casting a powerful spell, the projectile looks like the Doom3 antimatter orb and it flies across the field and explodes with a huge radius, much like the Redeemer I know of UT2004. I guess I killed everyone and everything with it. Scenery changes again, I'm in first person and I seem to be in a Doom1 level (I recognise the map and feel somehow secure/cosy duh) with 2 soldiers, one of them is a Tauren (wtf?) walking in front of me. We go past a corner, one soldier says "it's this way" and we start walking. END.
Freud would shoot himself now.
So there is a hot women and I'm distracted being all in my fantasy/first person shooter world of gaming? What the fuck, get me out of here!
Edited by BooTes at 08:12 GMT, 8th May 2006 - 13819 Hits