Event: QCON '06
Video of the final match between SK|toxic and mouz.Cooller at QuakeCon 2006. The video was shot from the front row of the conference room where the tournament was being held. The video pans between a close up of SK|toixic and his monitor screen and a wide angle of mouz.Cooller and the projector screen showing SK|toxic's action. Video of the introduction of the players to the huge crowd on hand, video of the award ceremony, and a small interview with SK|toxic is also included.Included with this video is audio commentary provided by Radio iTG's djWHEAT and ReDeYe. The video runs 24 minutes and is featured in 1280x720 resolution.
- Movie File - Streaming Flash Video () 0MB
- Google Video (33 clicks)
- PlanetQuake4.net (899 clicks)
- Movie File - Direct Download (quakecon_06_1v1_finals.zip) 357MB
- PlanetQuake4.net (1517 clicks)
Edited by RogeR1 at 09:46 CDT, 7 August 2006 - 51374 Hits