Activision presentation at the Leipzig Games Convention included new Quake Wars media. These are the videos shown to attendees of E3 and QuakeCon before they play tested
Enemy Territory: QuakeWars. They give you on overview of the objectives in the map and how the game works. The community has been waiting anxiously for these videos to be released.

- Movie File - Quake Wars GDF Tutorial (GDF_Tutorial_2_16x9-002.wmv) 88MB
- 3DGamers (71 clicks)
- FileFront (132 clicks)
- FileShack (48 clicks)
- GameTrailers (54 clicks)
- (337 clicks)
- Movie File - Quake Wars Strogg Tutorial (Strogg_Tutorial_2_16x9-Gamma1-4.wmv) 92MB
- 3DGamers (28 clicks)
- FileFront (74 clicks)
- FileShack (29 clicks)
- GameTrailers (30 clicks)
- (263 clicks)
Edited by Nicky at 03:42 CDT, 21 July 2007 - 33564 Hits