That's right here it comes, get your ass's ready. I plan to blow Vitality 1 out of the water in every aspect. Releasing in HD 1080p (1920x1080) and HD 720p versions, I can assure you the quality will not dissapoint. But I need your help! I need frags, lots of frags. And nothing short of amazing. Keep in mind if you send me a 'decent' frag, then I will only be able to make a 'decent' movie. But I want to make an 'amazing' movie, so I need only your 'amazing' frags. And i'm very confident that you, the community can provide the goods to make this movie happen. I'd like to release the movie sometime in august, september at the latest.
Full resolution screenshots of the image to the right--->>
I will ONLY be accepting demos that have been recorded in Q4MAX. If you send me q4mp/base demos, they will be deleted.
I will only accept these gametypes: CTF, TDM, FFA, Duel, Tourney
I will accept demos from any version of Q4MAX in 1.4.0 and newer. I will not accept any demos from 1.3.
I think(hope) that we are all educated enough to know what types of frags I will accept. Think before you send! Please do not waste my time and I will not waste yours :)
When sending demos, it is imperative that you include your name(how you want it displayed in the movie) , mapname, type of frag and time(s) of the frag(s) Please define the time of the frag by the timer counting up. If you do not send them to me in this format they will be deleted. It would also be very helpful if you happen to remember what the si_fps of the server you were playing on was, and add that in the file name.
ALSO: Just in case there is any confusion about how your name will be displayed in the movie. I will be placing the names of the fraggers in myself. But the movie will retain the in game "you fragged" message. So no worries.
You may either send them as .netdemo or throw them in a .zip or .rar. It doesn't matter to me.
I will be accepting demos from right now, through forever.....
There are a few ways you can get me your demos. You can either email them to me: vitality2demos@gmail.com (You're best option is to email)
Or you can DCC send them to me via IRC. I'll be on #q41v1 @ gamesurge or #q4movie @ quakenet.
ALSO---------->Another thing that many people have been doing for me is to create short clips of the frags(by using fraps, or whatever you prefer), and letting me review the frags before you send the demo. I encourage this by all means, for it saves me sooo much time. If you are interested in this, you can grab a trial version of fraps from HERE. And you can find an easy-to-follow tutorial on how to compress the large video files HERE.
Thanks and I hope to see your demos soon, they will not go to waste :D
Edited by killat0n at 17:58 CDT, 7 August 2007 - 47003 Hits