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Posts: 72
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  21 Mar 2006
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Bandit
Age:  40
iM Replies:  N
Timezone:  America/Mexico_City
Country:  Mexico
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  gtr•quakedev•com
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Judgements:  77 made, 439 received
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E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Buddied by:  17 users
Last Login:  12 Aug 2008
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GameType Revolution :: Quake 4 1.3 Mod

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Re: So... GT-R dead? :\
Posted @ 11:22 GMT 23 Jul 2008
I finally come to agree so much with arQon..
Re: So... GT-R dead? :\
Posted @ 11:19 GMT 23 Jul 2008
1. I need help on the mod, how am I supposed to get help without asking for it ?
Re: So... GT-R dead? :\
Posted @ 23:06 GMT 21 Jul 2008
oh boy, I'm sorry, really painful sorry that I'm not a 15 year old uber skilled
Re: So... GT-R dead? :\
Posted @ 19:55 GMT 19 Jul 2008
yes it is still in development, but I'm not able to work on it atm, as I am movi
Re: q4 zoom ?
Posted @ 13:10 GMT 16 Jul 2008
for the lazy guys:
Re: Carmack Expects Millions in Quake Li
Posted @ 12:02 GMT 26 Jun 2008
"The fact that 70,000 people have signed up.." yeah, like all 70,000 registered
Re: Sasha Tsapaev on Counter-Strike play
Posted @ 21:23 GMT 20 Jun 2008
when we say we hate counterstrike, we dont exactly mean we hate counterstrike, b
Re: Sasha Tsapaev on Counter-Strike play
Posted @ 21:12 GMT 20 Jun 2008
I hate counterstrike too, but this video is in no way funny AT ALL. In the firs
Re: Square_Beta2 CTF
Posted @ 13:04 GMT 14 Jun 2008
I think you added a few too much ramps.. a few ramps are nice, but all over the
Re: New Q4max 0.82
Posted @ 12:52 GMT 14 Jun 2008
you probably just need to copy over these cvars: m_smooth, m_accel & sensitivit
Re: phantq4dm8
Posted @ 07:55 GMT 13 Jun 2008
that was damn nice of you :-)
Re: phantq4dm8
Posted @ 18:09 GMT 12 Jun 2008
hm something's wrong with my fps display, it shows some untypical results with y
Re: Street Fighter IV to Be Released for
Posted @ 18:58 GMT 29 May 2008
awesome! some of the characters look a little weird, but other characters and e
Re: GT-R: Quake 4 Mod Could Revive The G
Posted @ 18:47 GMT 29 May 2008
c'mon, I just did ^^ all I can say is that we're currently at a stage where we
Re: GT-R: Quake 4 Mod Could Revive The G
Posted @ 21:24 GMT 28 May 2008
it has been for some time now, just not for the public :P making lots of progre
Re: GT-R: Quake 4 Mod Could Revive The G
Posted @ 11:38 GMT 28 May 2008
White Stripes - I can't wait
Re: Valve laughs at "PC gaming is dying"
Posted @ 12:29 GMT 25 May 2008
You're quite confused about gameplay.. input devices for console are indeed the
Re: Valve laughs at "PC gaming is dying"
Posted @ 11:09 GMT 24 May 2008
indeed! imho pc game developers put too much weight on graphics and too little
Re: New Red Alert 3 Trailer
Posted @ 10:25 GMT 24 May 2008
not even new music, this looks like ra2 with some makeup on it, nothing more.
Re: GT-R: Quake 4 Mod Could Revive The G
Posted @ 01:39 GMT 4 May 2008
I think you need a hug. *hug*
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