a blogger wrote on gameriot:
Lately, I've been getting back into Quake 4, watching some CTF games and playing relaxed duels with friends, and I've been hearing murmers of a new mod for the game that may give everyone what they've so desperately needed from the game.
Introducing GT-Revolution. From the news on the site, the mod tauts quite an impressive list of changes and advantages it has over the dominant "Q4MAX", such as improved Netcode, a CPM-style of movement, improved brightskins, and much more.
You guys can view a trailer for the newest beta of the mod (to be released later this year) here (http://www.quakeunity.com/file=2563). I'm actually pretty excited about the mod as Quake 4 really was a great game....on LAN. You can visit the mod's page here (http://gtr.quakedev.com).
Lately, I've been getting back into Quake 4, watching some CTF games and playing relaxed duels with friends, and I've been hearing murmers of a new mod for the game that may give everyone what they've so desperately needed from the game.
Introducing GT-Revolution. From the news on the site, the mod tauts quite an impressive list of changes and advantages it has over the dominant "Q4MAX", such as improved Netcode, a CPM-style of movement, improved brightskins, and much more.
You guys can view a trailer for the newest beta of the mod (to be released later this year) here (http://www.quakeunity.com/file=2563). I'm actually pretty excited about the mod as Quake 4 really was a great game....on LAN. You can visit the mod's page here (http://gtr.quakedev.com).
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