Thanks to this fascinating individual you now know exactly why you hate Counter-Strike.
Edited by Carmac at 14:50 CDT, 20 June 2008 - 85628 Hits
You have to completely adapt what you're going to do based on what you're able to buyYou have to completely adapt what you're going to do based on the areas/weapons/armour/health/powerups you have on the map at any given time.
Not only this, but whether or not you have grenades is something the leader must take into account each round since flashes/smokes play a vital role in attacking bombsites or faking attacks.Not only this, but whether or not you have railguns/lightningguns is something the leader must take into account at all times since these weapons play a vital role in attacking areas/picking up spawn kills.
Fakes in quake basically consist of one or a few people going somewhere, and/or shooting some rockets/grenades etc. Fakes (and double fakes and so on) in CS are completely different, for example via the use of grenades. There are also techniques like attacking a place to put someone there then switching to another site so that he can take out the rotating CTs from his new position. It's much more elaborate than in quake and the mechanics aren't the same.Firstly, you've shown no reasons why the fakes are any different except the use of smokes/flash bangs which in all honestly is barely different at all (I did however say already that there is no real equivalent in TDM, although you can still use PG/RL/GL//MG fire to fake in a similar way).
Here's the thing, any tactic/strategy type that is found in CS is also found in QuakeI never mentioned winning strategy/tactics or importance/impact on the game.
Here's the thing, any tactic/strategy type that is found in CS is also found in Quake
(which is completely different from what weapon you currently have in TDM for example)
Again, calling them "fakes" don't mean they work the same way and are equivalent tactically.
Flashbangs/smokes in a quake-like game regarding the speed (such as Q3 TDM) would lose almost all of their interest. They're used in CS in a way that is completely unfit for Q3.
Is there any more to your first paragraph than pointing out that I made a typo? Way to go man, you really got me there! :))
lmao, this is gold, CS only has macro now? wow, just wow :)
Again, calling them "fakes" don't mean they work the same way and are equivalent tactically.
Saying they "don't" does not mean they do not, either, right?
Your comparisons are flawed.
In that case, how can you say that CS is more strategic if you yourself have said that you can't compare the two?Can you accurately compare fakes in CS and fakes in Starcraft? Tactics/strategy in CS and tactics/strategy in Starcraft? Imo no, but I still consider Starcraft to be more tactical and strategic than CS.
you're just repeating "OMG $$ SYSTEM IS SO STRATEEGIC" over and overNo, that's not what I'm doing. Please don't use straw man arguments... I don't write in caps and I don't make such spelling mistakes. In these posts I have been providing evidence that his claim that "any tactic/strategy type that is found in CS is also found in Quake and then Quake has more things to consider and take advantage of" is wrong. I'm not doing anything else, and I already said where you could find more information on tactics/strategy in CS if you were interested.
In these posts I have been providing evidence
and I already said where you could find more information on tactics/strategy in CS if you were interested.
All I've done is prove his "any tactic/strategy type that is found in CS is also found in Quake and then Quake has more things to consider and take advantage of" claim wrong
Yeah I'm sure CS players would say that quake 3 has more tactics & strategy, lmao. You really live in your own little world don't you? :)