Event: ESWC'08
E-Drama: 36% (130)
No: 27% (97)
Yes: 23% (83)
I don't care: 15% (56)
What is it about? Just read from the news...
Edited by Ins0mnia at 02:22 CDT, 13 June 2008 - 90325 Hits
Hes a better player/person than many of you.
whether vo0 is coming or not actually doesnt matter.
watch his demo in VQ3...bad lg, bad rg...
and his opponent if-22? is the guy raped by rocketboy years ago??
oh, vo0, dont come to San Jose, or u'll be raped....many times..
That being said, forever needs to get his head out of his ass. Vo0 definitely deserved the first seed, and more than likely, forever would not have qualified. He is not very good at vq3 and in general, he is poor in tournament play.