Between the 24th-27th of July Bilbao Exhibition Centre in Barakaldo will host another edition of the Spain's biggest LAN party GameGune with more than 4000 attendees. This year's LAN will feature two professional competitions for the games Quake III: Arena (CPMA vq3) and Counterstrike 1.6, which the total combined prizepot exceeding €25,000.
Everyone is invited to contribute to this News and help to keep it updated. Just post your information/links/whatever in the comments and it will be edited in.
1st: serious/Av3k - €3.000
2nd: <RazerJ> - €2.000
3rd: fox*LLL -€1.000
4th: 4K^noctis - €600
5th: mouz.cooller - €400
6th: excello.spart1e
7th: EG.czm
8th: fnatic.Vo0
Grand Final:
- Set 2 -
:: RazerJ 0:2 av3k
ztn3tourney1 7:8 (4 overtimes)
pro-q3dm6 4:22
- Set 1 -
:: RazerJ 2:0 av3k
ztn3tourney1 16:5
pro-q3dm6 21:11
Losers Bracket Final:
:: RazerJ 2:0 Fox
pro-q3tourney4 13:5
pro-q3dm6 22:11
Winners Bracket Final:
:: RazerJ 1:2 av3k
pro-q3dm6 16:20
ztn3tourney1 17:13
pro-nodm9 11:13
Losers Bracket Round 3:
:: Fox 2:1 noctis
hub3aeroq3 11:33
ztn3tourney1 15:4
pro-q3dm6 17:-1
5th place Match:
:: Cooller 2:1 Spart1e
pro-nodm9 23:9
pro-q3dm6 15:22
pro-q3tourney4 19:15
7th place Match:
:: czm 2:0 Vo0
ztn3tourney1 17:4
hub3aeroq3 18:14
Losers Bracket Round 2:
:: Spart1e 0:2 noctis
ztn3tourney1 9:16
pro-nodm9 5:6
:: Fox 2:1 Cooller
pro-nodm9 8:15
hub3aeroq3 49:20
ztn3tourney1 12:5
Winners Bracket Round 2:
:: RazerJ 2:0 Spart1e
pro-q3dm6 15:5
ztn3tourney1 27:5
:: av3k 2:1 Fox
hub3aeroq3 25:27
pro-q3dm6 23:14
pro-nodm9 10:5
Losers Bracket Round 1:
:: Vo0 0:2 Cooller
pro-nodm9 6:15
pro-q3dm6 1:23
:: noctis 2:0 czm
ztn3tourney1 16:5
hub3aeroq3 31:12
Winners Bracket Round 1:
:: Spart1e 2:1 Vo0
pro-q3dm6 14:9
hub3aeroq3 18:19
ztn3tourney1 15:3
:: RazerJ 2:1 Cooller
pro-nodm9 2:17
ztn3tourney1 12:7
pro-q3dm6 26:10
:: av3k 2:1 Noctis
pro-q3dm6 20:16
pro-nodm9 9:13
ztn3tourney1 24:6
:: Fox 2:1 czm
hub3aeroq3 29:12
ztn3tourney1 2:15
pro-q3tourney4 15:4
Round 1:
:: Fox 1:1 noctis
hub3aeroq3 21:22
ztn3tourney1 11:10
:: Krysa 1:1 geo
ztn3tourney1 21:4
pro-nodm9 9:23
:: terry 2:0 Apaje
ztn3tourney1 19:7
ztn3tourney1 27:9
Round 2:
:: Fox 2:0 geo
ztn3tourney1 40:6
hub3aeroq3 18:3
:: noctis 2:0 Apaje
ztn3tourney1 44:2
pro-q3dm6 31:0
:: terry 0:2 Krysa
ztn3tourney1 14:29
ztn3tourney1 6:32
Round 3:
:: Fox 2:0 Krysa
hub3aeroq3 29:23
pro-tourney4 26:6
:: geo 2:0 Apaje
ztn3tourney1 35:10
pro-nodm9 44:4
:: noctis 2:0 terry
ztn3tourney1 25:5
ztn3tourney1 35:1
Round 4:
:: noctis 2:0 Krysa
ztn3tourney1 23:14
hub3aeroq3 44:16
:: Fox 2:0 Apaje
pro-q3tourney4 59:-1
ztn3tourney1 48:0
:: geo 2:0 terry
hub3aeroq3 60:20
ztn3tourney1 27:21
Round 5:
:: Krysa 2:0 Apaje
ztn3tourney1 31:2
pro-q3tourney4 44:8
:: Fox 2:0 terry
hub3aeroq3 69:6
ztn3tourney1 40:9
:: noctis 2:0 geo
hub3aeroq3 33:9
pro-nodm9 39:9
GUArd had ticket problems at the airport, his matches were forfeited.
Round 1:
:: timmy 0:2 Phoenix
pro-nodm9 15:30
pro-nodm9 15:29
Round 2:
:: timmy 0:2 av3k
hub3aeroq3 11:33
ztn3tourney1 4:20
Round 3:
:: Phoenix 1:1 av3k
ztn3tourney1 13:11
ztn3tourney 8:21
Round something:
:: czm 2:0 Phoenix
pro-q3tourney4 27:10
pro-q3dm6 9:8
:: av3k 2:0 czm
hub3aeroq3 27:22
ztn3tourney1 19:12
Round something else:
:: czm 2:0 timmy
pro-q3tourney4 44:21
ztn3tourney1 29:5
Round 1:
:: Vo0 2:0 draven
hub3aeroq3 41:17
pro-q3dm6 18-11
:: RazerJ 2:0 Nike
ztn3tourney1 5:2
pro-q3tourney4 17:3
:: AllteR 0:2 pozi
ztn3tourney1 16:17
pro-q3dm6 12:19
Round 2:
:: Vo0 2:0 pozi
pro-nodm9 19:7
pro-q3dm6 16:15
:: RazerJ 2:0 draven
pro-q3tourney4 44:16
pro-q3dm6 30:22
:: AllteR 0:2 Nike
ztn3tourney1 7:24
ztn3tourney1 1:36
Round 3:
:: draven 1:1 AllteR
ztn3tourney1 35:14
pro-q3dm6 21:23
:: RazerJ 2:0 Vo0
ztn3tourney1 5:2
pro-nodm9 8:4
:: Nike 2:0 Pozi
ztn3tourney1 24:2
pro-q3tourney4 19:5
Round funky (4/5):
:: RazerJ 2:0 pozi
pro-q3tourney4 35:5
ztn3tourney1 24:2
:: Nike 0:2 Vo0
ztn3tourney1 4:6
hub3aeroq3 15:27
:: draven 1:1 pozi
ztn3tourney1 28:9
pro-q3dm6 15:21
:: RazerJ 2:0 AllteR
ztn3tourney1 36:11
pro-nodm9 36:-3
break didn't show up, his matches were forfeited.
Round 1:
:: Cooller 2:0 Sl1p
hub3aeroq3 28:16
pro-q3dm6 31:4
:: Spart1e 2:0 dOce
pro-q3dm6 22:8
pro-q3dm6 24:12
Round 2:
:: Cooller 0:2 Spart1e
pro-q3dm6 6:20
pro-nodm9 13:14
:: dOce 0:2 Sl1p
ztn3tourney1 14:22
pro-q3dm6 11:23
Round 3:
:: Cooller 2:0 dOce
ztn3tourney1 18:10
ztn3tourney1 24:13
:: Spart1e 2:0 Sl1p
hub3aeroq3 46:9
pro-q3dm6 29:5
Group A:
1. Fox 4 1 0 (better frag average)
2. noctis 4 1 0
3. geo 2 1 2
4. Krysa 2 1 2
5. Terry 1 0 4
6. Apaje 0 0 5
Group B:
1. av3k 3 1 0
2. czm 3 0 1
3. Phoenix 2 1 1
4. timmy 1 0 3
5. GUArd 0 0 4 (GUard couldn't make it to the event)
Group C:
1. RazerJ 5 0 0
2. Vo0 4 0 1
3. nike 2 0 2
4. pozi 1 1 3
5. draven 0 2 2
6. AllteR 0 1 4
Group D:
1. spart1e 4 0 0
2. Cooller 3 0 1
3. Sl1p 2 0 2
4. Doce 1 0 3
5. break 0 0 4 (break couldn't make it to the event)
(Wins Draws Losses)
:: Group A
10:00 Fox vs. noctis, geo vs. krysa, Apaje vs. terry
10:45 Fox vs. geo, noctis vs. Apaje, terry vs. krysa
11:45 Fox vs. krysa, geo vs. Apaje, noctis vs. terry
12:30 Fox vs. Apaje, noctis vs. krysa, terry vs. geo
13:15 Fox vs. terry, noctis vs. geo, krysa vs. Apaje
:: Group B
10:00 timmy vs. Phoenix
10:45 timmy vs. av3k
11:30 Phoenix vs. av3k
12:15 Phoenix vs. czm
13:00 GUard vs. timmy
13:45 GUard vs. czm
15:30 av3k vs. czm
16:15 av3k vs. GUard
17:00 GUard vs. Phoenix
17:45 timmy vs. czm
:: Group C
14:00 RazerJ vs. Nike, draven vs. Vo0, Allter vs. pozi
14:45 RazerJ vs. draven, Nike vs. Allter, Vo0 vs. pozi
16:00 RazerJ vs. Vo0, Nike vs. pozi, draven vs. Allter
16:45 RazerJ vs. Allter, Nike vs. Vo0, pozi vs. draven
17:30 RazerJ vs. pozi, Nike vs. draven, Allter vs. Vo0
:: Group D
10:00 Cooller vs. Sl1p, Spart1e vs. d0ce
10:45 Cooller vs. Spart1e, Sl1p vs. break
12:15 Cooller vs. d0ce, Spart1e vs. break
13:00 Cooller vs. break, d0ce vs. Sl1p
13:45 Spart1e vs. Sl1p, d0ce vs. break
:: Double Elimination
14:30 Winners Bracket round 1
15:30 WB round 2, LB round 1
16:30 LB round 2
17:30 7th Place Match
18:30 5th Place Match
19:30 LB round 3
:: Finals
10:00 Winners Bracket final
<please insert a Losers Bracket Final here>
11:00 Exhibition TDM game
12:00 Grand Final
Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
1. Julio "Kerb" Gómez
2. Ivan “x6.AMD|Allter” Bordalas
3. Ismael “x6.AMD|Sl1p” Rivera
4. Álvaro “x6.AMD|pozi” Pradas
5. Fernando “D3porte.dOce” Carmona
6. Jose “D3porte|Phoenix” Molina
7. Magnus “Fox” Olsson
8. Richard “noctis” Gansterer
9. Maciej “serious/av3k” Krzykowski
10. Kryštof "Krysa" Cerný
11. geo “geo” Molenaar
12. Jeffrey “draven” Debipersad
13. Fan “RazerJ” Zhibo
14. Nikita “magic/Nike” Amochaev
15. Anton “Cooller” Singov
16. Pedro “D3porte.timmy” Cervantes
17. Paul “czm” Nelson
18. Marius “mmori.GUArd” Ivanauskas
19. Sebastian “xlo^Spart1e” Siira
20. Sander "Vo0" Kaasjager
First round will be group play which will proceed in a two-map format (meaning that there can be a 1-1 map draw). The top two of each group progress. Second round will be an 8-player best-of-three double elimination bracket.
1st €3.000
2nd €2.000
3rd €1.000
4th €600
5th €400
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im not sure if this one is correct
is this one correct?