About QUAKE Live.
How about the focus on some of id's less big budget games? So, thinking specifically about the iPhone stuff that id's been doing, the mobile stuff, and also projects like Quake Live. Is that going to continue to be a focus, not only at id, but at ZeniMax in general?
John Carmack: "It probably stays at about the level that it is right now [...]"
CEO ZeniMax Robert Altman: "[..] and about the other part of your question about Quake Live, it will go on unchanged as it always has. It's something we are supportive of."
~ joystick.com interview
Hollenshead said ZeniMax's acquisition will allow id to grow its internal teams, staffing up the groups working on the next Doom — which will now be a ZeniMax game — and the Quake Live team, for starters.
~ kotaku
Interviews with John Carmack
jostick.com on the acquisition
venturebeat.com Interview
Edited by Badb0y at 13:34 CDT, 26 June 2009 - 8417 Hits
Did you do that? :D
EDIT: BTT, does that mean id is not getting more guys working on QL?