Another edition of the famous Asus Cup series is kicking off in Moscow today. As usual, the Quake 3 tournament is featuring the elite of eastern europe with players such as Cypher, Cooller and Jibo and will most likely deliver great matches on GTV once again.
The tournament starts with a Groupstage (bo1) followed by a double elimination bracket (bo1).
Can someone explain how i watch gtv? I join the server and it says type /gtv watch 2, so i do and then i go to the CPMA menu screen? Is there a particular update i need?
Tried this too, problem remains, according to logs:
"Set autodownload to No in your settings and you might be able to connect if you do have the file."
If it is LAN, I cannot understand why Asus Cup admins run servers with all the garbage in baseq3 and cpma folders.
esport.pk3 - what the fuck is this???
Edit: quetz rules!!! She adviced me to do the following trick - just copy 9 pack files to empty baseq3 folder, copy q3config.cfg, qkey and z-cpma-pak147.pk3 to cpma folder, put pro-nodm9.pk3 and
ztn3tourney1.pk3 into baseq3 folder - and it worked just fine!!!
this is true. But then you should save the cfg with "writeconfig" command and copy the files to your baseq3 dir. And make sure they are in cpma dir as well.
You won't have to type any commands anymore. I think the problem occurs because it reads q3config.cfg from your baseq3 dir. Mine was old and not updated so my settings were all fucked.
LOL! cooller was only successful after fatal1ty quit and none of the Americans played. You guys had some early success just like in the race for the moon but when shit actually starts the matter and people starts to care we always come out on top (Lol, I know the moon landing was staged since science claims you can't get out of the atmosphere without dying of the pressure, but at least we managed to fake it first)
it's one of the many lies by goverment about our solar system. The reason many think footage of landing is fake, it's because IT IS. BUT, I'll repeat once again, BUT it was faked due to some material on original videos is not to be seen by average people. Controversial stuff, I won't go into details what is it all about.
coollers style would translate so good to quakelive, im sure of it.. I really hope he intends to start playing it at some point cuz he'd probably own considering the weapon balance and all :O)
Why can't they do a thumbnail gallery? Interesting to see Cypher play with his special edition DA. Amazing he won with it considering it's not his normal mouse?
Bought Sushi + beer
Went home, invited a friend and even the neighbour (he asked wtf that sound coming from my flat was)
GTV @ 1600x1200 on my 42" TV
Sofa + Cordless keyboard/mouse \:D/
So far only ESL (2gd/joe) has stepped up and given us a stream with higher resolution, no bullshit issues and good shoutcasting. I can understand that streams are more profitable but we're just not there yet. One could argue that to get better streams we need to start somewhere (the bottom) but really, why abandon GTV so soon? It offers much higher resolution, it uses much less bandwith and I'm sure shoutcasting could be implemented somehow.
they usually appear few days after the event in demopacks on cyberfight. amai's demos are already available:
woops, I was mistaken, that links is from his demos of the online qualifier
Cooller, what kind of future do you have as a Russian lawyer? In America, there is no culture or custom, only law. But in post-Soviet Russia, isn't it the other way around?
Is there no culture or custom in american law? Your conception of the american law system is a bit naive. If you study the laws themselves you may be right but if you add the cultural and social human being to the equation you will find that our socially contingent classifications is a much larger factor in the court of law than desired. However, the russian system of law is broken in a much wider sense.