rAge Quake III, 64 player ,1 versus 1 Tournament was held in South Africa from the 3rd to the 4th of October 2009 during the

rAge 2009 Expo, hosted by
"Both the Europeans,

Spart1e and

L1nkje managed to beat their respective South African opponents in the Semi-Finals. Moving on to the Grand Finals.
Spart1e mentioning that it was "really close" and that he was "extremely impressed" by the capabilities of both

Ph4ntom and

All the participants received their prizes, with Spart1e taking home a brand new Intel Core i7, MSI motherboard, Sapphire HD4650, 'Worlds top water cooling system' and a number of other goodies. Both Fnatic players and Ph4ntom, Shase have also been interviewed by LanGamesTV." -
Pantheon Gaming
Entire collection of demos from rAge including practice games






Grand Final
L1nkje [1:2] Spart1e
Map: T4
Map: DM6
Map: DM9
Time: 13:00
Date: 04/10/09
Consolation Final
Ph4ntom [2:0] Shase
Map: HUB
Map: DM6
Time: 12:15
Date: 04/10/09
Semi-Final Two
Shase [1:2] Spart1e
Map: ZTN [13-12]
Map: HUB [14-25]
Map: DM9 [6-12]
Date: 04/10/09
Semi-Final One
Ph4ntom [0:2] L1nkje
Map: DM9 [4-10]
Map: ZTN [6-17]
Date: 04/10/09
"Arena 77 is proud to announce that we will be holding an old school tournament.
The game of choice is none other than Quake 3! Offering over a R100 000 worth of prizes courtesy of Intel, Sapphire and ATI, assuring prizes up until 15th place"
"The event is geared for spectators and will be on the main stage in front of the grand stand and displayed on a large screen with shout casting too!
Please note though that only one match at a time will be shown on the screens out of every five played... You will understand when you get there, but we will obviously follow the big games."
"We are proud to announce that the Quake III tournament will see the ultimate winner of the rAge 2009 event being sent to DreamHack Winter event in Sweden. Not only will the top 15 players receive prizes from all our sponsors, the winner will fly to Sweden at the end of November and participate in the Quake Live tourney. The winner will be given a notebook on loan upon arrival in Sweden and with that a seat in the Open LAN along with a seat in the QuakeLive tourney. Thanks to AVG for sponsoring the trip over!"
Gameplay : CPMA 1.46 (VQ3)
Map List: pro-q3dm6, pro-q3tourney4, pro-nodm9, ztn3tourney1 and hub3aeroq3
Noteable Atendees: 




Sources: Pantheon Gaming -
Arena77 -
EDIT: Just realised they can still sign up and play bots, which I suppose is good enough to learn the new maps.