- Added cg_weaponColor <0xRRGGBBAA> (default: 0x007000FF). Used to colorize grenades according to cg_weaponColorStyle.
- Added cg_weaponColorStyle <1|2|3> (default: 1)
o 1 = In All Game Modes: All grenades colorized according to cg_weaponColor.
o 2 = In Team Games: Enemy grenades colorized according to cg_enemyUpperColor, all friendly grenades (including your own) colorized according to cg_teamUpperColor. In Non-Team Games: All grenades colorized according to cg_weaponColor.
o 3 = In Team Games: Enemy grenades colorized according to cg_enemyUpperColor, all friendly grenades (excluding your own) colorized according to cg_teamUpperColor, and your own grenades colorized according to cg_weaponColor.In Non-Team Games: All grenades colorized according to cg_weaponColor.
- Added per weapon Low Ammo Warnings that display when a weapon is below 20% max ammo (Less than 5 for weapons with 25 max, less than 30 for weapons with 150 max). Enabled using the pre-existing option: cg_drawAmmoWarning 1
- Added cg_lowAmmoWarningPercentile <0.01 - 1.00> (Default: 0.20) to customize when you are warned of being low on ammo.
- Added Low Ammo Warning sound to inform players of when their ammo becomes low, or when they are switching to a weapon with low ammo.
- Added cg_lowAmmoWarningSound <0|1> (Default: 1) Allows a client to toggle the low ammo warning sound on or off.
- Added cg_drawAmmoWarning <2> Allows a client to use a smaller text display for their 'Low Ammo Warning' and 'Out of Ammo' warning messages.
- Added Annoucer Voice-Overs to Team Deathmatch, such as "red team takes the lead".
- Added cg_playTeamVO <0|1> (Deafult: 1) Allows a client to disable some of the team related VO, to option out of the new Team Deathmatch VO behavior.
- Added cg_weaponBar <0|1|2|3|4> (Default: 1) Replaces cg_newWeaponBar.
o 0 - Disabled
o 1 - Left docked icons
o 2 - Right docked icons
o 3 - Center docked icons
o 4 - Large floating icons (Legacy Q3 Style)
- Added cl_allowConsoleChat <0|1> (Default: 0) Allows a client to use the console area as a chat box, text entries that do not begin with a '' will be transmitted as chat text.
- Fixed freecam spectators from causing projectiles to do no splash damage to some clients in-game.
- Fixed freecam spectators from causing some clients to pass through each other and/or get stuck together.
- Fixed smoothing issues in step code that caused some stair steps to be jittery.
- Fixed telefragging occurrences at initial spawn in Clan Arena.
- Fixed timeouts and pauses from causing competition matches to not properly report their stats.
- Fixed cg_speedometer issues that would cause spikes during teleports, respawns, or spectator switching; overall smoother display.
- Fixed cg_screenDamage 0 from inadvertently disabling cg_drawAttacker and cg_kickScale.
- Fixed handicap to now correctly affect rocket splash damage.
- Fixed spawning into a Clan Arena round with some weapon other than rocket launcher preselected.
- Fixed an issue that would cause players to take damage from players above them when trapped between a jumppad and an overhead player.
- Fixed the gauntlet from failing to hit players located directly below you. You still must crouch to hit.
- Fixed weaponBar in demo playback.
- Fixed weaponBar from displaying non-rail weapons in InstaGib
- Fixed overtime extensions from appearing in matches where there was no timelimit.
- Fixed power-up timers from counting down into the negatives when clients become lagged.
- Fixed (invisible) gibbed bodies from producing falling damage sounds
- Fixed 'flag held time' being reported incorrectly when a timeout or pause occurred during the flag run.
- Fixed the Invulnerability sphere display while in-use, the icon and 0-digit display will no longer be shown in the power-up area.
- Fixed minor issues with player model skin shaders.
- Fixed grammatical error on the sudden death respawn delay message.
- Fixed minor formatting issues with private server console prints not possessing carriage returns.
- Changed Team Deathmatch spawn system to put you further away from your enemies.
- Changed callvoting behavior to no longer allow callvotes to occur during the pre-game match countdown.
- Changed the air friction associated with the step code to no longer affect movement on strafe-pads.
- Changed cg_speedometer 1 to display in whole number integers.
- Changed default mouse input mode to 'raw mouse input' - in_mouse2
Source: Quake Live-Forum
Edited by xou at 11:52 CDT, 14 October 2009 - 64121 Hits
what next? a radar?