Let's exam some statistics from the awards section:
~920k accounts - AWESOME, almost one million people have made QL accounts!
~680k played one complete online match - About 1/4 were lost before even trying QL seriously however. I blame the stupid training, it is annoying and pointless.
~380k have won an online match - Again this shows most people just tried it but were not serious or did not have their interest held. Winning one match online isn't too tough especially with many team modes yet only 4/10 even got this far.
~106k played 10 hours - Now we see there is still a large number who have seriously played QL, about 1/10.
~115k have won 10 matches - Roughly matches the 10 hours played.
~58k played 24 hours - This is probably a good representation of serious players who like the game and will keep playing it. Given how long QL has been out now reaching 24 hours isn't a huge milestone. I have over two days played and I haven't touched QL in months. I just follow the scene and watch demos now.
~28k have won 100 matches - Good representation of the core player base I think. Took me about ~38 hours to hit 100 wins, I'm good but not exceptional.
id seems fairly secretive about QL thus far(mainly I think because it is not nearly as successful as they hoped), but there is still hope. Personally I've stopped playing for a few reasons:
1. I always gravitate towards private servers/competitive scene after a while. I never found that in QL, does it even exist? I found QuakeNight.com which looks quite interesting but I never see people practicing or scrimming or even high quality pub mixes.
2. I mainly play team modes and FFA. FFA is fine regardless of how good people are in it since it is always chaos. The majority of team games end up lopsided however and not very fun. Either my team is destroying the other team, or we are getting raped. If my team is getting raped I used to try my best to keep my team going, but eventually I got fed up with it. More often than not people intentionally stack teams and you'll see good players join the stronger team. Even worse is when some decent clan is taking on a public server, fun for them but sucks for everyone else. Of course if I could find a group of like minded competitive players to hang with this wouldn't be an issue.
~920k accounts - AWESOME, almost one million people have made QL accounts!
~680k played one complete online match - About 1/4 were lost before even trying QL seriously however. I blame the stupid training, it is annoying and pointless.
~380k have won an online match - Again this shows most people just tried it but were not serious or did not have their interest held. Winning one match online isn't too tough especially with many team modes yet only 4/10 even got this far.
~106k played 10 hours - Now we see there is still a large number who have seriously played QL, about 1/10.
~115k have won 10 matches - Roughly matches the 10 hours played.
~58k played 24 hours - This is probably a good representation of serious players who like the game and will keep playing it. Given how long QL has been out now reaching 24 hours isn't a huge milestone. I have over two days played and I haven't touched QL in months. I just follow the scene and watch demos now.
~28k have won 100 matches - Good representation of the core player base I think. Took me about ~38 hours to hit 100 wins, I'm good but not exceptional.
id seems fairly secretive about QL thus far(mainly I think because it is not nearly as successful as they hoped), but there is still hope. Personally I've stopped playing for a few reasons:
1. I always gravitate towards private servers/competitive scene after a while. I never found that in QL, does it even exist? I found QuakeNight.com which looks quite interesting but I never see people practicing or scrimming or even high quality pub mixes.
2. I mainly play team modes and FFA. FFA is fine regardless of how good people are in it since it is always chaos. The majority of team games end up lopsided however and not very fun. Either my team is destroying the other team, or we are getting raped. If my team is getting raped I used to try my best to keep my team going, but eventually I got fed up with it. More often than not people intentionally stack teams and you'll see good players join the stronger team. Even worse is when some decent clan is taking on a public server, fun for them but sucks for everyone else. Of course if I could find a group of like minded competitive players to hang with this wouldn't be an issue.
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