Event: ESWC'10
The ESWC Finals 2010 will take place from Thursday to Sunday at the New Port Bay hotel in Disneyland Paris. Please upvote the thread on Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/tb/clkte
To try to cover as many games as possible, Jay "2GD" Harding and the Swedish pimp Cyrus "proZaC" Malekani will be on one stream, while Rod "Slasher" Breslau and Marcus "djWHEAT" Graham will be on the other stream. (djWHEAT may wake up late and I will have to do things solo for a little while).
TV1 HQ (2GD+proZaC): http://www.own3d.tv/live/74
TV1 LQ (2GD+proZaC): http://www.own3d.tv/live/75
TV2 HQ (djWHEAT+Slasher): http://www.own3d.tv/live/131
TV2 LQ (djWHEAT+Slasher): http://www.own3d.tv/live/132
Livestream (no cast): http://www.livestream.com/lvlup
Links: ESWC Quake, ESR Day 1, ESR Day 2
Streams: Levelup TV (HQ, LQ, ), GameSports TV, Good Game, ping.ua
Coverages: SK, Fnatic, EG, Tek-9, Fragster, CyberFight, FFF, Cybersport, Replays, ping.ua
Interviews: Cypher @ SK, Cooller @ fragster, Cypher & Cooller @ coverage.su
Gallery: Cooller Facebook, Fragster Thursday, Fragster Friday, Liefje, Vh
Demos & Config: gouzouboudou.free.fr
Edited by Badb0y at 08:06 CDT, 4 July 2010 - 273343 Hits