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baron Railgun
baron Railgun
Posts: 6833
Popularity: Wannabe (1%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  20 Mar 2004
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  BJB
Age:  Undisclosed
Location:  civillisation, and everything I hate
iM Replies:  Y
Timezone:  Europe/Helsinki
Country:  Finland
Homepage:  www•noshit•com
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  1215 made, 521 received
Bets Placed:  184 (Rank: 109)
E$ Money:  955 (955 available)
E$ Savings:  4435
Buddied by:  4 users
Last Login:  20 Sep 2024
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: John Carmack plays Q3
Posted @ 01:40 GMT 15 Sep 2024
His last successful project or engine was in my opinion idTech3. No wonder tha
Re: John Carmack plays Q3
Posted @ 01:14 GMT 15 Sep 2024
This is what is wrong in the games department today That the world is too much
Re: John Carmack plays Q3
Posted @ 00:52 GMT 15 Sep 2024
genius and probably autistic remember his continuous humming on stage? Ummmmh,
Re: Question about old Doom ingame demos
Posted @ 15:15 GMT 11 Aug 2024
I expressed myself badly. I mean when you move the mouse forward it will transla
Re: Quakecon 2024
Posted @ 15:11 GMT 11 Aug 2024
No, but they will throw panties and bras, all the good stuff, to the public. An
Re: 'Reflections' with RAISY part 1: rap
Posted @ 14:40 GMT 4 Jul 2024
increase time spawn for all weapons and give less ammo for each weapon, this cou
Re: My FPS-Z Game Axial Drift is Now Fre
Posted @ 14:27 GMT 4 Jul 2024
I never liked Tribes because it had a bit too much freedom to my taste -flying h
Question about old Doom ingame demos
Posted @ 14:16 GMT 4 Jul 2024
Did the id Software guys make the ingame demos with mouse movement (vertical) ON
Re: Quake3 Remake
Posted @ 16:33 GMT 13 Jun 2024
I don't think that you have much power -or importance for the matter -in this af
Re: My top 5 good QL duel players
Posted @ 00:54 GMT 9 Jan 2024
I think that banning policy depends on local sections. I seen there ppl complain
Re: Starcraft First Person Shooter
Posted @ 00:03 GMT 9 Jan 2024
I had the github links on another computer and was too lazy to search again p
Re: Quake3 Remake
Posted @ 00:01 GMT 9 Jan 2024
Who, me? Trump was the best US president of the last 20 years. Anyway I am not A
Re: Quake3 Remake
Posted @ 23:58 GMT 8 Jan 2024
Doom3 actually needed a better graphics quality in my opinion, if to face the co
Re: My top 5 good QL duel players
Posted @ 23:44 GMT 8 Jan 2024
I think that he was scared of his past success. Sometimes that can push you down
Re: My top 5 good QL duel players
Posted @ 23:38 GMT 8 Jan 2024
Another problem not to be neglected is that if you have high dependency on smth
Re: My top 5 good QL duel players
Posted @ 23:33 GMT 8 Jan 2024
On a regular basis those who smoke weed consider it to be beneficial even if it
Re: My top 5 good QL duel players
Posted @ 23:17 GMT 8 Jan 2024
When we talk about contemporary science we must very carefully look to see if th
Starcraft First Person Shooter
Posted @ 03:34 GMT 6 Jan 2024
Someone made a quite nice attempt at it. you find it on github, many liked it.
Re: So, apparently Shroud cheats
Posted @ 03:31 GMT 6 Jan 2024
now that I think about it Walter used wallhacks because he wanted subconsciously
Re: Quake3 Remake
Posted @ 03:28 GMT 6 Jan 2024
don't worry I wont get upset for your mistake
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