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Posts: 2389
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Registered:  2 Jul 2010
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Jean-Luc Todoroff
Age:  29
Location:  Toronto
iM Replies:  Y
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Country:  Canada
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Hamburgers are fun.

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Re: Moviemaking Interview Series
Posted @ 14:51 GMT 31 Jul 2018
U wot?
Re: Moviemaking Interview Series
Posted @ 16:16 GMT 20 Jul 2018
It's funny you say that, because I know everyone up there except wntt. I still n
Re: Moviemaking Interview Series
Posted @ 23:51 GMT 19 Jul 2018
Hate that guy
Re: Moviemaking Interview Series
Posted @ 03:05 GMT 19 Jul 2018
Pretty much all listed here have been attempted, though some have left the Quake
Re: Moviemaking Interview Series
Posted @ 03:01 GMT 19 Jul 2018
He's pretty much uncontactable.
Re: Looking for fragmovie producer (QL)
Posted @ 14:21 GMT 25 Jun 2018
Get outta here lmao
Re: wolfcam-11.0
Posted @ 23:04 GMT 16 Jan 2017
I thought the "cg_weaponRailgun" cvar was supposed to be set to a cfg to load ea
Re: wolfcam-11.0
Posted @ 04:08 GMT 16 Jan 2017
I'd think it would point to a cfg file, not a list of cvars.
Re: wolfcam-11.0
Posted @ 23:32 GMT 7 Sep 2016
Just making sure you didn't have a stroke or something, you're too important to
Re: wolfcam-11.0
Posted @ 11:51 GMT 7 Sep 2016
You know bbox isn't really the hitbox anyway, right?
Re: What Artisan mouse pad should I buy
Posted @ 02:31 GMT 19 Aug 2016
Nah, I prefer my Hien over my Talent, and I do prefer my cutting board over both
Re: Favorite US mass shooting so far?
Posted @ 01:10 GMT 13 Jun 2016
Ye, definitely too soon for any comedy here. Teen Queen is a known cunt tho, so.
Re: wolfcam-11.0
Posted @ 16:41 GMT 31 Mar 2016
These days, I really only have [s]4[/s]3 issues with Wolfcam: 1. There's more
Re: Funny Lump Size?? map won't load
Posted @ 03:04 GMT 25 Mar 2016
Re: Funny Lump Size?? map won't load
Posted @ 04:17 GMT 24 Mar 2016
I don't know what the purpose of the map originally was, but I didn't change any
Re: Keyboard/mouse sometimes unresponsiv
Posted @ 16:10 GMT 25 Feb 2016
It was an issue I had in Q3 for a long time, where +attack or +moveup would get
Re: Keyboard/mouse sometimes unresponsiv
Posted @ 01:38 GMT 25 Feb 2016
Are you aware of the input-dropping issue with different in_mouse settings (forg
Re: wolfcam-10.0
Posted @ 23:11 GMT 23 Feb 2016
I don't think there is a command for that, sorry.
Re: wolfcam-10.0
Posted @ 18:15 GMT 22 Feb 2016
Dunno then, I created everything from scratch as I was writing that post. It wor
Re: wolfcam-10.0
Posted @ 14:50 GMT 22 Feb 2016
Have you tried using tga instead of png? Even png works for me :( Was "wea
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