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please do us both a favor and ignore me if you dont like what i have to say instead of crying about it in threads.

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Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 14:39 GMT 16 May 2012
actually thats a positive for any tier slummer such as incubus or well, myself,
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 14:31 GMT 16 May 2012
ah yeah, it makes it really easy for me to casually STOMP on shitties compare to
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 14:23 GMT 16 May 2012
are you going to fucking be ok lol?? i dont spam anymore than the next guy. i
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 13:51 GMT 16 May 2012
[q]it's leaving Q3 behind[/q]in terms of what? total number of players yeah but
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 13:35 GMT 16 May 2012
if its annoying you enough to whine about it, then that means its working. anywa
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 13:31 GMT 16 May 2012
did it say the same thing when he was kicked? "detected for aimbot" or something
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 13:30 GMT 16 May 2012
he wasnt in the server so how could he have been spectating him? he joined the s
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 11:55 GMT 16 May 2012
well hopefully it doesnt ban only standard accounts. theres alot of people hacki
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 11:20 GMT 16 May 2012
euros call americans stupid everyday, but we're not allowed to call them stupid
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 10:19 GMT 16 May 2012
[q]QL can't measure up to something it is above of by the virtue of existence. [
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 10:07 GMT 16 May 2012
not saying it doesnt help but for the most part its details are not worth mentio
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 03:49 GMT 16 May 2012
[q]you're not even a PAYING CUSTOMER. [/q]LOL as if this changes anything. an
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 03:34 GMT 16 May 2012
so a ban system that doesnt just ban users accounts and IP addresses (which is e
Re: Updated list of Cheaters
Posted @ 02:58 GMT 16 May 2012
anticheat comes out; powerstyler gets banned:
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 02:27 GMT 16 May 2012
in your opinion.
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 02:26 GMT 16 May 2012
bro, i will quit ESR if your post reaches 100% by the end of the month. no joke.
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 02:21 GMT 16 May 2012
yeah well jokes aside, my point is and has always been that QL overall still has
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 01:46 GMT 16 May 2012
lol, im not saying anything more negative than the next guy who's disappointed w
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 01:24 GMT 16 May 2012
looks like this "infrastructure update" brought an anticheat of some sorts: [q]
Re: infrastructure upgrade
Posted @ 00:56 GMT 16 May 2012
[q]it helped it[/q]debateable. and idk about you lol but this game doesnt aff
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