Event: QC'10

Ahead of id Software's announced Quake Live update, two forum posts have been made here on ESReality with some of the details. The QuakeCon 2010 Duel and CTF map list has been revealed, along with a screenshot detailing the pricing plans for the upcoming Premium and Pro services.
The QuakeCon 2010 maplist posted by forum user reload10 shows two additions to both the standard duel and CTF tournament map lists, all newly featured Quake Live maps.
Aerowalk has been brought back after popular demand, and Phantazm's Battleforge (Q3) has been recreated and added to the tournament. Campgrounds (dm6) and House of Decay (tourney9) have been removed. For CTF, fan favorite Japanese Castles is coming back, and a new map titled 'Stonekeep' has been listed. Bloodlust (ctf9) and Courtyard Conundrum (ctf10) have been removed.
The newly introduced pro and premium services listed offer additional features for those who would like to pay, including extended match history reports, the ability to start your own clan, an all new freeze tag game mode, and the ability to access Quake Live Premium maps and new content.
The pro service specifically allows users to start and customize their own game servers, while also the ability to invite three friends to play with you on Premium maps.
The pricing options in the screenshot reveal that the Premium service costs €1.99/month ($2.64/month), while Pro will cost €3.99/month ($5.28/month). It is noted in asterisks though that all payment is done on a yearly basis and not monthly, coming to roughly €24/year ($31/year) for Premium, and €48/year ($63/year) for Pro.
An official announcement by id Software regarding these details and more should come within the next 24 hours after Quake Live's maintenance.
Edited by xou at 17:25 CDT, 6 August 2010 - 236209 Hits