As the title states, this is my problem. It's pretty much completely unplayable for me.
Usually I'm using fox' cfg and when I reset everything on the QL-Page everything seems to work just fine, so I tried changing his netsettings to the default ones.
Instead of
cl_maxpackets "125"
rate "25000"
I tried
cl_maxpackets "63"
rate "16000"
Doesn't help at all.
I'm on a 20MB line and tells me my connection is Grade A (wohoo) with no packetloss at all.
Here's my cfg:
// Replicate cfg - Generated by QUAKE LIVE. Do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "messagemode"
bind SPACE "weapon 5"
bind + "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind 1 "weapon 1"
bind 2 "weapon 2"
bind 3 "weapon 3"
bind 4 "weapon 4"
bind 8 "weapon 8"
bind 9 "weapon 9"
bind = "messagemode2"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "weapnext"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "weapon 9"
bind c "weapon 4"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "weapon 7"
bind f "weapon 6"
bind g "+button3"
bind h "+chat"
bind k "weapprev"
bind l "weapnext"
bind o "weapprev"
bind q "weapon 1"
bind r "weapon 3"
bind s "+back"
bind t "weapon 8"
bind v "weapon 4"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "weapon 8"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind UPARROW "say raged"
bind DOWNARROW "dropflag"
bind ALT "+movedown"
bind CTRL "+movedown"
bind SHIFT "+speed"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F3 "readyup"
bind F11 "screenshot"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
bind MOUSE3 "weapon 2"
bind MWHEELDOWN "say :("
bind MWHEELUP "say :)"
r_gl_renderer "ATI Radeon HD 3450"
r_gl_vendor "ATI Technologies Inc."
com_allowconsole "1"
cl_allowConsoleChat "1"
cg_hudfiles "ui/fox.cfg"
cg_drawfps "0"
cg_fov "110"
cg_zoomfov "100"
cg_zoomOutOnDeath "0"
cg_zoomscaling "0"
cg_drawammowarning "0"
cg_lowammowarningsound "0"
cg_simpleitems "1"
cg_drawitempickups "1" //5
cg_draw3dicons "0"
cg_drawGun "0"
cg_weaponbar "2"
cg_drawfullweaponbar "1"
cg_switchOnEmpty "1"
cg_switchToEmpty "1"
cg_autoswitch "0"
cg_marks "0"
cg_scorePlums "0"
cg_drawSpecmessages "0"
cg_drawPregameMessages "1"
cg_enableRespawnTimer "1"
cg_drawCrosshair "2"
cg_crosshairsize "32"
cg_crosshaircolor "5"
cg_crosshairPulse "0"
cg_crosshairhitstyle "2"
cg_brasstime "0"
cg_truelightning "1"
cg_lightningimpact "0"
cg_lightningstyle "5"
cg_muzzleflash "0"
cg_smoke_sg "0"
cg_smokeradius_rl "0"
cg_smokeradius_gl "0"
cg_smokeradius_ng "0"
cg_bubbletrail "0"
cg_waterwarp "0"
cg_gibs "1"
cg_impactsparks "0"
cg_playernames "0"
cg_allowtaunt "0"
color1 "18"
color2 "18"
sensitivity "2"
cl_mouseaccel "0"
cl_mouseaccelstyle "0"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_yaw "0.022"
in_mouse "2"
cl_maxpackets "63"
rate "16000"
cg_bob "0"
cg_kickscale "0"
cg_screendamage "0"
cg_leveltimerdirection "0"
cg_autoaction "3"
cl_demoRecordMessage "0"
// model "razor/red"
cg_forceteammodel "razor/red"
cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright"
cg_enemyheadcolor "0x00FF00FF"
cg_enemyuppercolor "0x00FF00FF"
cg_enemylowercolor "0x00FF00FF"
cg_teamuppercolor "0x6000FFFF"
cg_deadbodydarken "1"
cg_forceenemyweaponcolor "1"
cg_forceteamweaponcolor "1"
// cg_gunz "-8"
// cg_gunx "-10"
// cg_guny "-5"
s_volume "0.5"
s_musicvolume "0"
s_doppler "0"
s_ambient "0"
cg_hitbeep "2"
r_subdivisions "80"
r_lodbias "2"
r_mode "12"
r_picmip "10"
r_gamma "3"
r_mapoverbrightbits "1"
r_overbrightbits "-1"
r_intensity "1.2"
r_ignorehwgamma "0"
r_dynamiclight "0"
r_smp "0"
r_displayrefresh "100"
r_enablepostprocess "1"
r_enablebloom "0"
bot_nochat "1"
model "razor"
name "^6ma^2s^6h"
What the fuck, guys?