- Website (improved http://tdmpickup.eu nothing fancy, some rules and a webirc)
- Mumble (tdmpickup.eu: 64738 pw: pickup , there some channels made, but you can make own temp channels)
- New teampicking: 1-2-2-1 (instead 1-1-1-1) Making the teams abit more balanced.
- !promote works
- Added Freezetag !add ft
- Updated maplists
- !top10 works now
- added Tornado to 4v4 mappool
- removed Camgrpounds from 4v4 mappool (alot of cups dont use it anymore)
Less then one month ago (5 december) we started this channel, is has been running smooth so farr with arround roughly 20-25 pickups a day, we are hoping to improve is so any feedback and suggestions/help you have is welcome..
ps get all your buddies to #tdmpickup anyone who has pro account gets +voice (so he/she can spawn servers)
also you need premium or pro to join the server or someone who is on friendlist to invite you to the server
(About 200idlers in the channel hoping to surpass qlpickup.eu someday !)
Edited by draven- at 20:06 CST, 4 January 2011 - 6409 Hits
plus i'm there, thats like the best thing ever \D:\?