I dont think we do anymore, streaming has come a long way in the past couple of years and now with streams such as own3d.tv there is just no need for a GTV. High quality streams that work pretty much flawlessly and you dont even need the game. Plus theres the added bonus of commentators and the ability for ads to bring in revenue for the broadcasting teams, granted the commentators can be a bit hit and miss depending on which styles you like but it adds to the whole experience. Also being able to have the good old GTV chat on streams such as TheBeard.
At the start of QL i hated the idea of no GTV which was mainly due to the poor streams that were coming out, but now i enjoy the many streams that are available and also a healthy archive of VODs over the various sites. Its been many many months since downloading and watching a demo.
dunno why i posted this but its out of my system now.
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Sure it was awesome back in the days, but streamers do an excellent job bringing the games to us, not to mention the relentless spam on lvl^ which usually ends up with little to no bans, because they strive to recreate the perfect GTV experience.
I, for one, do not miss GTV.