Just use strenx's cfg..You don't even need to move your mouse and you'll be gettin' 50+ lg..I'm talking it(c)Coollaaah:) just kiddin'.. i think all the best shafters use cross with circle around..Toxjq and strenx for example. Don't know why but i think that its easier when you aim with that circle cuz you're just looking for the enemy to be in it..Try different things but at the end of the day it's just what you feel most comfortable with.:P
Most of the configs I've seen use a crosshair for lg which has something in the middle of the crosshair (cross or dot etc) for lg; the only exception being crosshair 3 (which cypher uses a custom variant of)
This is what I use (I got lg raped by Torzelan yonks ago in a duel and copied his fov and crosshair since then :S ) But it does feel really nice for me :)
The monitor can run at 160hz @ 640*480 and 120hz @ 1024*768; but the AWFUL ati drivers for XP would not let me set the refresh rate above 85hz (tried everything I could think of and find online; turns out many ppl had the same problem).
I'm on win7 now and have lovely 120hz, so its all good :)
It's and oldish config from another computer ;)
Edit: And r_displayrefresh is set to 120 in the config as well so fu ;)
My statement of CRT's being awesome still stands though!
Edited by Something at 11:41 CST, 21 February 2011
i played with 100hz on a crt for a year and switched now to a vastly superior 120hz tft. i call bullshit on that... you either never tried a crt with lower than 120hz or you do not have one of the latest tfts.
edit: looking at your profile says it all...
Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 226BW 22" 2ms 1680x1050
Monitor2: NEC Multisync FE992 160hz refresh 19" max res 2048x1536
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others" - Douglas Adams ...haha, that's two out of two.
a) you do not play with a 85hz crt, you play with a 160hz crt.
b) you do not play with a new gen 120hz tft, you play with an first gen 226bw.
why do you think you're the one to judge?
i actually played with a 100hz crt for a year THEN changed to the benq 120hz. it is FAR superior regarding input lag, with the crt i could see a railtrail with railtrailtime 0. with the benq i do not, that is how drastic the difference is.
#2 actually I'd take the 85hz with 0ms input lag over 120hz on lcd anyway
i was trying to tell you that you are wrong and never experienced the difference.
in other words, you are another one of those forum people who claim to know about stuff they have no experience with. i, on the other hand, experienced exactly what you were talking about and can tell you that you are wrong.
of course you are free to do whatever, so i rest my case :S
"And yes, I've played on my buddy's 2233rz quite a few times. It's got an even bigger input lag than my 226bw."
Also, the 226bw was my 4th (and last, for awhile at least) LCD monitor. I mention this because you referred to it as a "1st gen", which it is far from, as the 1st gen LCDs had 30ms+ input delay on them.
Have you ever played on one? As LCDs go, they're really quite nice.
The typical mistake people make is to compare themselves to better people and try to find easy solutions.
"I'm worse than X => Has X a better config, better mouse, better ..?"
Thing is, the solution isn't that easy. X is just better than you are (and it many cases you are worse when you adapt his config &ct). Also it's not all about aim -- some change configs every day because they don't realize it's hard to shaft down a highly stacked enemy while having no armor; some use shaft only because they think it's pro and get destroyed by rockets.
Get a config that you feel comfortable with, learn that there is no magic involved, and practice. In the long run, you will do better with YOUR hardware+config than if you switch between setups all the time.
Just my 5 Euros, but a crosshair has possibly the least impact on how you perform.
While I agree with your opinion I think in this particular matter picking a right crosshair for LG can save one some time learning how to lg better. IMO the correct crosshair is important for lg
because the most common mistake ppl make when lging is moving the mouse too much so if you have small cursor and keel enemy model it is less optimal than large crosshair on keel or small cursor on tankjr
(cross is staying on the target more even if you move the mouse too much).
Again all placebo and personal preference if you ask me. All comes down to whether or not you can aim in the first place.
Generally I would agree, using ch 2 size 35 which isn't exactly small but there are people hitting awesome shaft with ch 7, cross in circle, like stermy, strenx, issue, and others hitting great with a dot, like Juven1le. Think that proves my point. All a matter of personal taste.
I had to alter the gfx a bit due to the recent gfx changes (some maps were too dark with my settings etc.) Now it works fine on every map; find screenshot and cfg and hud attached.
I posted the shaft settings in my post, mate. You just have to change the values in your config. If you do not know how to do it, come back to me, or ask others.
using red #3 size 51 @ 800x600 myself for all weapons
1) like when theres empty space in the middle for rail and generally my aim seems to be better when the enemy is inside my xhair, not xhair inside the model
2) size was chosen by taking .tga screenshots with different xhairsizes and looking for the one where the xhair is not interpolated(the black border is exactly 1 pixel wide and not transparent)
and my lg is fairly decent
For SG maybe. I don't care for 2 or 7 because I don't use xhair names (bothers me seeing it pop up). So for long range rails where someone might just be peeking anything other than a tiny 2 or 7 will block the view. And I'd rather just use one xhair instead of multiple ones. 3 is nice, I wish they'd bring back the old q3 xhairs, I liked that open + better.
Edited by function9 at 20:17 CST, 22 February 2011
i think that's a myth because of two things... first, real 'long range shots' should be done while zooming in. second, most of my rails are still flickshots, meaning i do see the target close to my crosshair and 'flick' towards it.
both scenarios more or less eliminate what you describe.
There are essentially two ways to lg when you are really good at lgining.
Dodge method, where you try to force both your opponent to miss and yourself to not get hit at all. This brings both lg percentages down and you win because you know what you are going to do first. (unless that person can actually track you, but usually not)
See rapha vs strenx lg fights on toxicity and k1llsen/cooller dancing vs other scrubs.
The other is aim based, tracking with mouse and barely dodging (but not strafe aiming), so even if the enemy hits 35ish lg on you, you just did 50%, so he will die very quickly no matter what.
See Strenx vs randoms / tox vs scrubs / etc
I've found that if I want to dodge lg, I need to use + crosshair.
If I am using aim lg, mostly - I need to use (+) If I try to use this lg with dodging, I will always mess up because I subconsciously use the outer edges of the (+) to re-align my aim, and it takes too long because it is too big.
So depending on how you lg, the different crosshairs will suit your needs.
(pretty sure a giant block [ ] filled with 1 color will be really easy to lg on with both styles, but I don't like creating my own crosshairs)
whenever i lose focus with LG (i use the + btw) i sometimes turn off hitbeeps, its so calming, like shafting a teammate in the warmup. tis all in between the ears but whatever floats everyones boat right?
almost off topic:
please add user side hit sounds for shafting/mg'ing, I depend so much on the sounds during shaft fights that just a slightly different ping makes it feel off, proof that this might work clientside: cg_impactsparks, those work clientside as well iirc