Since every thread made is about this mod and all it's features, it should also have it's own thread for listing all the issues, problems and so on. Nothing is better then to have it all in one place.
- r_simpleItems makes things invisible but still you can pick them up.
- Offset of weapons when having above 90 fov is making the projectile/beam start infront of your view
- Gauntlet is spinning strangely compared to the impact effect being played.
- Gauntlet impact is way off compared to the crosshair.
- Lille to none different between fall deltas making you loose the same ammount undependant of how high you fall from.
- Railgun and machinegun zoom sound plays several times when you zoom.
- Grenade physics becomes really weird after the first bounce
- Grenade explodes on accelpad but nothing happens on jumppads.
- Rocket splash damage is way to big, you get damage at a distance no effect covers.
- The highlight in the upper left corner on who has flag doesn't get reset. No flags picked up and still have ! there.
- Scoreboard self highlight is some units off (below the actual text)
- No jumpsound at all, might be intentional but still strange without any.
- Custom color on crosshair doesn't work
- Lag when use a weapon for the first time or a player joins the game.
- No capture score in CTF scoreboard
- No TDM team scores in scoreboard
- No indication that a weapon is out of ammo or running low on ammo.
- If shooting GL once by leftclick and second by rightclick the sound on second GL won't play
- GL and RL damage sound is played by no damage given in Team based games, but does in FFA
- It's faster to walk up a minor slope then bunny jump as it slows you down
- Shadows isn't there even with r_shadows turned on
- Weapon fire and explode sounds are in very different volumes.
- Jumping up stairs will make you suddenly stopp
- Glass effect when dead , evem though model now having anything that is made of glass.
- No sound when switching weapons
- TDM is a valid gametype on maps not supporting it, making game not load (The longest day for instance)
- Joining team sometime displays twice
- Respawn time is insanly long.
- Item high on scoreboard is to small, very hard to read
- No pickup sound for ammo boxes
- Projectile hitting a trigger get's shot in the trigger angle, looks weird when rail, nail, MG and HB hits a jumppad.. The force applied to these projectiles are insanly overpowered.
- 90% of the cvars added or changed in Q43a is missing from menu.
- Using kill 0 won't kill yourself just do damage effect without any damage
- Playing The longest day is impossible as you pretty much die from any fall.
- Scoreboard is the same in both duel and FFA.
- Missing any startup files for starting the mod
- To many files to having to download to get a "up to date" version of the mod
- Binary.conf has 1 but missing OSx file, should have 2 as it is a Linux file
- A release should be when you've done more then just 1-4 changes
- Can't get out of homing napalm without switching weapon
- WARNING: file def/maps.def, line ####: expected '{' but found '--'
- WARNING: file ###/q43a/q43a_guis.pk4/guis/mainmenu.gui, line ###: more than one dot in number
- si_FPS should be possible to set to higher then 60 as standard.
- No idication if you are using say or sayTeam
- You will recieve a fight announcement even if the game is in countdown to start.
- Weaponlist is to small and the ammo is hiding which weapon you've choosen
- Weird numbers between timer and ping.
- When turning on g_showPing on good connection the number changes to fast it cannot be read.
- Scoreboard ping doesn't get updated at a interval that makes it show proper ping.
- Square light used on LG which is round impact point, looks weird.
- No fly sound for Rocket due to it being that fast and explosion to loud
- Grenade second fire doesn't seem to have any effect as enemy and team can walk over them and nothing happens.
- Special characters like % doesn't work in chat.
- No way to pause the game if somebody get's dropped.
- Voting is disabled by default.'
- Description isn't updated correctly for each release
- In team games you'll get uneven spawns, so one has more then the other. For instance DBD.
- URL supplied in the TXT files are invalid and wrong
- Tons of WARNING: Loading non pre-cached file
- No actual readme file for the mod
- No map supports Reactor out of the box
- Several cvars missing description or isn't describing it's function properly
- No indication of where to report issues/bugs
- Standard settings makes normal jumps and RL jumps hard and even impossible on some maps and often result in death.
- HUD elements are overall to small
- Timer only counts one way
- No way of turning off the actual system clock being displayed
- FPS is written over other HUD elements
- Chat input field is located at a strange place which make you need to look more into a none used area of the screen.
- No team overlay for team games.
- GL jumping impossible as shooting straight down makes GL co straight to the ceiling and never come down in time.
- If flag is dropped, no indication that it's not returned to base
- Scoreboard items are sometimes moved to the right making items getting displayed in wrong collumn like name in clan, clan in score etc..
- Footsteps are extremly low
- No indication that you have set your status to ready or unready
- g_bloodspray still draws blood when you die
- No way of turning off the damage indication, only is vieweffects but that's server side.
- Hard landing will play gib effect
- Cannot toggle instagib mode, it's currently on all weapons
- ACTF with instagib turned on, suddenly you cannot pick up items anymore.
- Falling into space on Xearo Gravity will not kill you, you'll just hit the "ground" and can walk around..
- As the team name can be changed server side, you will not have any clue which team is which.
- No way to turn off auto joining game
- No way to remove the shaking when fireing weapons, which makes it hard to focus on moving players.
- Spectator field in the scoreboard is misaligned compared to the rest of the scoreboard.
- Bloodsplatt force is overpowered making you spraypaint a huge area on little impact
- Gametime of when a screenshot of scoreboard is taken is impossible to see as the timer is removed from scoreboard.
- In ACTF there can be several of the same runes on the same team if one of them dies. Like 3 guards.
- Powerups cannot be picked up in ACTF
- Scout and ammo rune in ACTF with instagib cannot be picked up.
- Spawn sounds can be heard half through the map if not all the way from one end to another.
- No green armor support, will crash game.
- Domination time doesn't get reset when going to spectator, can easily be exploited.
- Tournament gametype shows maps but crashes when choosing some of them as they aren't supported by gametype.
- Some buttons in the menu doesn't have a sound when being clicked. (Advanced sound for instance)
- Offset of weapons when having above 90 fov is making the projectile/beam start infront of your view
- Gauntlet is spinning strangely compared to the impact effect being played.
- Gauntlet impact is way off compared to the crosshair.
- Lille to none different between fall deltas making you loose the same ammount undependant of how high you fall from.
- Railgun and machinegun zoom sound plays several times when you zoom.
- Grenade physics becomes really weird after the first bounce
- Grenade explodes on accelpad but nothing happens on jumppads.
- Rocket splash damage is way to big, you get damage at a distance no effect covers.
- The highlight in the upper left corner on who has flag doesn't get reset. No flags picked up and still have ! there.
- Scoreboard self highlight is some units off (below the actual text)
- No jumpsound at all, might be intentional but still strange without any.
- Custom color on crosshair doesn't work
- Lag when use a weapon for the first time or a player joins the game.
- No capture score in CTF scoreboard
- No TDM team scores in scoreboard
- No indication that a weapon is out of ammo or running low on ammo.
- If shooting GL once by leftclick and second by rightclick the sound on second GL won't play
- GL and RL damage sound is played by no damage given in Team based games, but does in FFA
- It's faster to walk up a minor slope then bunny jump as it slows you down
- Shadows isn't there even with r_shadows turned on
- Weapon fire and explode sounds are in very different volumes.
- Jumping up stairs will make you suddenly stopp
- Glass effect when dead , evem though model now having anything that is made of glass.
- No sound when switching weapons
- TDM is a valid gametype on maps not supporting it, making game not load (The longest day for instance)
- Joining team sometime displays twice
- Respawn time is insanly long.
- Item high on scoreboard is to small, very hard to read
- No pickup sound for ammo boxes
- Projectile hitting a trigger get's shot in the trigger angle, looks weird when rail, nail, MG and HB hits a jumppad.. The force applied to these projectiles are insanly overpowered.
- 90% of the cvars added or changed in Q43a is missing from menu.
- Using kill 0 won't kill yourself just do damage effect without any damage
- Playing The longest day is impossible as you pretty much die from any fall.
- Scoreboard is the same in both duel and FFA.
- Missing any startup files for starting the mod
- To many files to having to download to get a "up to date" version of the mod
- Binary.conf has 1 but missing OSx file, should have 2 as it is a Linux file
- A release should be when you've done more then just 1-4 changes
- Can't get out of homing napalm without switching weapon
- WARNING: file def/maps.def, line ####: expected '{' but found '--'
- WARNING: file ###/q43a/q43a_guis.pk4/guis/mainmenu.gui, line ###: more than one dot in number
- si_FPS should be possible to set to higher then 60 as standard.
- No idication if you are using say or sayTeam
- You will recieve a fight announcement even if the game is in countdown to start.
- Weaponlist is to small and the ammo is hiding which weapon you've choosen
- Weird numbers between timer and ping.
- When turning on g_showPing on good connection the number changes to fast it cannot be read.
- Scoreboard ping doesn't get updated at a interval that makes it show proper ping.
- Square light used on LG which is round impact point, looks weird.
- No fly sound for Rocket due to it being that fast and explosion to loud
- Grenade second fire doesn't seem to have any effect as enemy and team can walk over them and nothing happens.
- Special characters like % doesn't work in chat.
- No way to pause the game if somebody get's dropped.
- Voting is disabled by default.'
- Description isn't updated correctly for each release
- In team games you'll get uneven spawns, so one has more then the other. For instance DBD.
- URL supplied in the TXT files are invalid and wrong
- Tons of WARNING: Loading non pre-cached file
- No actual readme file for the mod
- No map supports Reactor out of the box
- Several cvars missing description or isn't describing it's function properly
- No indication of where to report issues/bugs
- Standard settings makes normal jumps and RL jumps hard and even impossible on some maps and often result in death.
- HUD elements are overall to small
- Timer only counts one way
- No way of turning off the actual system clock being displayed
- FPS is written over other HUD elements
- Chat input field is located at a strange place which make you need to look more into a none used area of the screen.
- No team overlay for team games.
- GL jumping impossible as shooting straight down makes GL co straight to the ceiling and never come down in time.
- If flag is dropped, no indication that it's not returned to base
- Scoreboard items are sometimes moved to the right making items getting displayed in wrong collumn like name in clan, clan in score etc..
- Footsteps are extremly low
- No indication that you have set your status to ready or unready
- g_bloodspray still draws blood when you die
- No way of turning off the damage indication, only is vieweffects but that's server side.
- Hard landing will play gib effect
- Cannot toggle instagib mode, it's currently on all weapons
- ACTF with instagib turned on, suddenly you cannot pick up items anymore.
- Falling into space on Xearo Gravity will not kill you, you'll just hit the "ground" and can walk around..
- As the team name can be changed server side, you will not have any clue which team is which.
- No way to turn off auto joining game
- No way to remove the shaking when fireing weapons, which makes it hard to focus on moving players.
- Spectator field in the scoreboard is misaligned compared to the rest of the scoreboard.
- Bloodsplatt force is overpowered making you spraypaint a huge area on little impact
- Gametime of when a screenshot of scoreboard is taken is impossible to see as the timer is removed from scoreboard.
- In ACTF there can be several of the same runes on the same team if one of them dies. Like 3 guards.
- Powerups cannot be picked up in ACTF
- Scout and ammo rune in ACTF with instagib cannot be picked up.
- Spawn sounds can be heard half through the map if not all the way from one end to another.
- No green armor support, will crash game.
- Domination time doesn't get reset when going to spectator, can easily be exploited.
- Tournament gametype shows maps but crashes when choosing some of them as they aren't supported by gametype.
- Some buttons in the menu doesn't have a sound when being clicked. (Advanced sound for instance)
Edited by zhakal at 19:10 CDT, 16 May 2011 - 68909 Hits