made an interview with Johan "tox" Quick here at DreamHack Summer 2011. I've tried to cover various aspects of Johan's life and performance here at the event, however he had the final to play and we had to cut the interview a little short. However I hope you'll enjoy watching it!
Edited by Dird at 17:26 CDT, 20 June 2011 - 67772 Hits
so everything u can say about the job done by this guy, is what's DSH'11?
no thx, nothing?
fuckin nerd, how community can get bigger, if such nerds as him, cant even say thx, for the video, asking some stupid questions, DHS 11 is better for u?
lol gtfo
that's a harsh comparison...true tho :)
but he's only 17... i remember those times..playing quake 2 for clan3, swearing on teamspeak..getting banned from clanbase because of an anti-anticheat proxy that got spammed on a server =) Aaah..the memories :P
u must confuse me for someone else, i've never played q2 and i've never played clanbase. i'm 17 though, and was just pointing out a mistake at the video title, to help. comparing this with being 'a cancer'... i've no words for that. u all just mad cause i rape u in 1v1
when i say "i remember those times" i'm talking about myself back when i was 17.
And who cares if you beat me in 1v1 or not... i don't play it (anymore)
And you're right, comparing you to cancer isn't appropriate....
you're more like weedage... :)
It's always interesting to hear from a really good player, and it's simply amazing that a player can come back and still be at the forefront of his peers.
I would love it if Esreality or somewhere similar (if this exists?) would host a dialogue between a pro and the community so that we are all free to ask our own questions.
You're correct, I simply thought that ESR would prefer this in a more structured format, rather than a lot of replies to a posted topic. I'll think of some and get back to you!
I don't mean to be overwhelmingly negative though! I just think we should enjoy what we've got (which is awesome, despite its flaws) rather than relying on something new.
Haha, amusing. I like your idea of an orange armor in general. Not too much difference between a 75a or 50a replacing red though.
Could do the same with health. Yellow is 50, blue is 100, magenta could be 200 health? (Not sure on a name. What's bigger than mega; ultrono health?) Put it on a ctf map. Would totally kick ass.
Neat idea would be to have an armor that changed color continuously (or faded in/out) over 25s. If you pick it up when it's white you get nothing, wait 12.5s and get it at red for 100a. Syncing the timing is still important, but getting it to the second wouldn't be do or die.
Well my first instinct is to say: leave DM6 alone!!!!
But thinking about it, I came up with this:
- replace RA with MH
- put YA halfway up stairs to bridge
- 50h where MH was
- GA halfway up stairs from LG
- RA goes where YA was
I know thats not a perfect layout, but its pretty simple and easy to get to grips with, also I think overall its probably better than the current layout, I mean at least you could trap someone at RA (in the current design, the down player usually gets trapped there and the up player has the powerful side of the map to themselves). Also, the up player in the current dm6 gets to control RG, RA, MH, YA all in a few strafe jumps. What does the down player get, some shards and a hiding place? :D So in this one they can stand below rail and see mh and RA. That sounds bad.... oooh line of sight... but it does (imo) even things up. And since the YA is far away from the RA, the down player can go and get YA and also maybe get RG aswell, with options to escape pretty quick or even attack RA with the RG (and so on...).
the idea is, you take the "Up players area is easy to attack from", to "the down player has more chances to attack, and the up player has to take more risks". Because imo thats the problem with dm6 duels, the map effectively gets locked down pretty easy by whoever gets control first, and its an uphill battle to take the map back because all the best items and 2 of the best weapons, are close by. The map is fairly open aswell, but in the up players favour since they control the RG and spend most of their time guarding it.
Anyway blah blah blah another dm6 item layout suggestion for the archives xD
i think tox is shcizophrenic. first he sais he does not want to compete in duel, unless there are new maps, then its not ok to have new maps, than he'll compete anyway in dreamhack and now in the interview he needs something to aim for, blablablablablablabla
i think he does not give a fuck and hates interviews. and by the way, the J in "joke" and "just" would be pronounced differently. those swedish fuckers just dont get it ;)
i think he's just annoyed a bit that q4 died, and he has to go back to what he already played to death.. and that tournament prize money and map poules are announced too late to prepare well enough to be happy about what his performance will be like.
sure the things kinda clash, but doesn't everything?
oh and btw, the person you replied to is a "swedish fucker" :)
I know. And i love sweden btw. :) ... the pronunciation of these words just jumped right into my face in this interview. And it's kind of strange that a big guy like tox, who probably is a very cool and nice guy, has such a silent voice in the interviews and seems rly insecure. Anyway, I hope he'll play 1on1 again, cause there are enough aim heavy maps out there.
He might seem a bit insecure almost entirely because of the language barrier though I think?
Seen him talk swedish a few times and while he does speak with low volume he doesnt seem insecure at all then.
Swedes usually have problem with words starting with 'J' in English as it's pronounced with an initial D-sound which Swedes doesn't have. "djoke" vs "yoke". Some Swedes also have problem with words starting with V and pronounce them as though they started with W. I have heard "Las Weigas" by several Swedes.
to be honest I don'r rly mind, cause I can't speak english by any means. :) ... so its OK. but in this interview it just jumped right into my face again.
And by the way:
Swenska tjej - It's the grej!
In two of the recent interviews he's clearly mentioned though; the reason why he didn't play duel at DH is because he found it too much to learn both new tdm maps as well as the new duel maps at the same time.. in of course so little time =).
Some DH tox demos would be much appreciated. I always learn something about aiming when actively watching his demos. The way he plays/aims is very methodical and deliberate. Better material to learn from than watching Cypher go super saiyan mode from raw experience.
haha i loved the last part :D just watch how cypher uses the rocket though and you will learn something. how he deliberately waits for rockets in close combats to make them facials!
exactly, toxjq aims on purpose, cypher aims by instinct, two completely different aiming style.
I'd say cypher has returned to the crown of aiming though. His combos just can't be matched whatsoever.
Toxjq will come at you like superman, taking you down head to head cuz he knows he cant be out aimed.
Cypher comes at ur ass like spiderman, just fucking woah, destroying you with astonishing prediction, agility, combos, leaving you wrapped up with his webbing naked in a corner wondering wtf just happened.
Easy to bash the QL netcode (although it could be better) when you're used to <10ms everywhere, come on. Some of us have 50-60 at best and that's just not fun against an equally skilled opponent in OSP.
Great interview otherwise, hope we see him a lot more.
Yeah that's why i don't understand all the hype around tox. I can understand cooller fanboyism because cooller is quite funny/ironic/quotable/badass, but this dude is like a swedish machine. Doesn't even smile once...
Did I hear that right? They won 40 out of 43 games vs clan9 in the bootcamp? Only a bootcamp I suppose, but realising how young the ice climbers was at the time and that clan 9 was one of the best clans in europe (in the world?) at the start of quake 3, that sounds incredible.
They seem to be very disappointed, but no shame in their performance in the tournament, they only lost to the finalist teams and they played quite well.
Well, the problem with all those unlagged implementations for q3/ql is that they emphaze hitscan while rockets and plasma feel like shit. OSP RL with ping 80 > QL RL with ping 30.
Beside that I really hate how far one can be of with RG and still register a hit. (above, below, behind model)
unlagged comes with a price and gives an overall plastic feel I do not like.
CPMA did a better job imo, feels still direct and 'real'.
Would be nice to have a vote option to turn this unlagged off when players are below 50.
I think the real problem for him is that he didn't get hit by those sneaky/dodgy antilagged rails in osp, simply because the other guys would ping 20 more and would either hit nothing or not even try.
Had he been a german guy playing with 50 ping he'd have had his ass handed off to him by rails like that shot by lpb swedes on a daily basis.
The real problem with ql is how unreliable and dodgy the antilag feels from server to server or player to player ( like, I'd rather play on uk or de servers than fr cause I can't hit shit there, even though my ping is halved )
totally on the money about the netcode--warpers, getting hit behind corners, warping into rockets and rails because your laggy opponent hit you on THEIR screen, rails going through, and on and on and on. refreshing to hear a player of toxic's caliber acknowledging these problems.