im looking for nice quotes, just post your fav. e.g.
sosi (c) cooller
im looking for nice quotes, just post your fav. e.g.
sosi (c) cooller
76089 Hits
22:40:17 —› join » ‹Impr3ssive› ‹Impr3ssive@c83-253-202-64.bredband.comhem.se›
22:41:23 «@Impr3ssive» YO any 1 still upp
22:41:35 «@rtz» nope
22:41:36 —› nick » ‹Impr3ssive› is now known as ‹ImpreZive›
22:41:38 «+Fatola» NO
22:41:40 «@rtz» go back to bed
22:41:41 «+kg» we asleep
22:41:42 «@rtz» :@
22:41:44 «@ImpreZive» roger
22:41:45 —› quit » ‹ImpreZive› ‹Impr3ssive@c83-253-202-64.bredband.comhem.se› ‹Quit›
01:44:30 «@Memphish» fnk pole
01:44:47 «@madbringer» :@
01:44:52 «@madbringer» i retard i no understand
01:44:57 «@madbringer» TALK MULE HE TRANSLATET
01:45:03 —› join » ‹kg› ‹~kg@bpo86.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl›
16:12:00 «paQ» He playing a clan COD alway people exit and CLAN THE END
01:51:25 «@rtz» btw aNk`Chujario
01:51:34 «@rtz» GUESS WHAT I ATE TODAY.... CHEVAPI
01:51:36 «@rtz» $$
01:51:40 «@rtz» chevapi wery
01:51:44 «@aNk`Chujario» u should have said
01:51:48 «@aNk`Chujario» "Guess what i ate today?"
01:51:52 «@rtz» sif
01:51:55 «@aNk`Chujario» then i would have said dicks
01:51:57 «@rtz» im not new round hurr
20:07:32 «@epy» hey
20:07:58 «@epy» is there only the flash on stripthefleshsaltthewound.com ?
20:08:07 «@epy» i mean, will there be more content ? :D
20:09:09 «@ja`» nej
20:09:10 «@nej`» ja
23:16:41 «@aNk`shajdyAK» mad
23:16:49 «@aNk`shajdyAK» i have present for you
23:17:25 «@madbringer» tem if this is another rape joke or something homoerotic i am not going to even respond
23:17:26 «@madbringer» :@
23:17:38 «@aNk`shajdyAK» better not respond then
23:17:41 «@aNk`shajdyAK» :j
14:17:41 «+Drexciyian» I LOVE COCK
14:17:43 «+Drexciyian» I LOVE COCK
14:17:45 «+Drexciyian» I LOVE COCK
14:17:47 «+Drexciyian» I LOVE COCK
14:17:49 «+Drexciyian» I LOVE COCK(x40)
14:18:24 —› part » ‹Drexciyian› ‹~fsfs@(ip removed so Jamerio wouldn't stalk)›
14:23:25 «@lvl^LIVE|Trance» who was that guy?
14:23:47 «@shadyAK» leader of UK nations cup team for cpm c:
14:24:04 «@snuskekatt» that loves cock?
14:24:09 «@afk-bert» and loves the cock
15:42:01 «+princess__» where is shady?
15:42:14 «@pla» please stand up
21:12:08 «@zoot`» i also get an extra 1.3gb ram of power
17:24:34 «Root`» 300 fps of lagarith'd video to 60 wmv.
17:24:48 «Root`» wav to aac
17:24:57 «Root`» m4a
17:24:59 «@Pushpabon» stop being homogay
17:25:10 «Root`» :O
17:25:11 «Root`» what? :Dd
17:25:16 «ShadyAK» stop being homogay
17:25:25 «Root`» :<
00:34:34 «@aNk`ShadyAK» kg` read text kurwa
00:35:00 «@rickross» kg` fuck off bot
00:35:57 «+alienM» kick bot
00:36:01 «@kg`» alienM: Query: Can you please repeat that?
00:36:06 «+alienM» kick bot
00:36:08 «+alienM» kick bot
00:36:27 —› kick » ‹alienM› was kicked by ‹kg`› ‹kick requested by alienM›
23:30:03 «+splitface» btw i stole ur WGAGH :dDD bind]
23:30:23 «+splitface» and i flew around with 300 ping unhittable turbolag and was spamming the bind in a tdm pickup and even in an e- war
23:30:40 «+splitface» raped every1 in e-, net -30 in cpm
23:30:46 —› join » ‹ESL|Kaiser-BNC› ‹kaiser@admins1.esl.eu›
23:32:48 «+Memphis» :_D
[22:41:23] <@BenTCR> one of my weed dealers is polish :D
<@ShadyAK> yo guys any question you want me to ask triv? i am interviewing for eksessiweminus magazine
<@Kyto> why do you play this shit?
<@Kyto> are you aware that e+ is full of retards?
<@Kyto> etc
(in actual interview):
<ShadyAK> Question from Kyto: You have been around e+ for a long time. How did you discover this mod? What made you stay?
<ShadyAK>Another question from Kyto: "How do you acknowledge the fact that the mod and the community has changed and is now to a different intellectual level than the times of SWE/LEM/KO?"
[19:55:27] <+zoot_> ye im checking it now lol
[19:55:50] <+zoot_> fair you did
[19:56:49] <+zoot_> now i need to just improve rg
[19:56:51] <+zoot_> ok well i spent the last couple of weeks
[19:56:58] <+zoot_> completely whoring lg
[19:57:10] <@Gustaph> i spent the last few weeks drinking after work and raging
[19:57:24] <@Gustaph> it has made a massive improvement on my game, so ima keep doing that
*** 22:21:10 Now talking in #cpmpickup ***
[22:21:18] <ShadyAK`KO> Liam can i have op for 20 seconds to kick skullhead?
[22:21:30] * Liam sets mode: +o ShadyAK`KO
[22:21:51] * Skullhead was kicked by ShadyAK`KO (U STILL AINT WELCOME HERE NO MORE BROHAN)
[22:21:58] * ShadyAK`KO sets mode: -o ShadyAK`KO
[22:21:58] <skawpet> !PROMOTE
[22:21:58] -echbotcpm:#cpmpickup- Please !add up in #cpmpickup !!! 1 more person needed!
[22:22:01] <ShadyAK`KO> k thx
[22:22:04] <@Liam> np
[22:59:50] <flex`> http://www.youtube.com/user/HeisW140#p/u/18/l4_GT9rMjIo
[23:00:52] <flex`> jewpanise drift on street
[23:00:58] <ShadyAK`aNk> i suppose
[23:01:06] <ShadyAK`aNk> those cars are drifitng in the sea now C:
[23:01:12] <flex`> HAHAAHAAHH
[23:01:15] <flex`> hahahaha
[23:01:15] <flex`> hahaa