As everyone knows by now, Brink will be at QuakeCon. This is a timeline for the month of June/early July of Brink's player base in image form collected from some posts on the Splash Damage Brink forums. Brink peaked at ~17,000 when it was released in the second week of May (not pictured). Now, you can see the results. Has anyone seen a game die so fast? This is pretty incredible.

June 04, 2011:

June 06, 2011:

June 13, 2011:

June 23, 2011:

June 28, 2011:

June 28, 2011 (alternate, 161 total in servers):

July 02, 2011

July 03, 2011 (what?)

In less than 2 months, down from 17,000 peak players to 700. :(