Event: QC'11

VODs / demos:
- All duel VODs, demos and results
- All TDM VODs, demos and results
- quakelivedemos YT channel - VODs made from demos
- SeriousQuakeLive YT channel - VODs made from demos
- popsQ2 YT channel - VODs made from demos
- FiDestiny YT channel - VODs made from demos
- asfalot111 YT channel - Videos of players in game
- MindfreakEsportsTV YT channel - Videos of players in game
- LLLdraven YT channel - Videos of players in game
- Official VODs
- Team Empire - Russian comments over recorded VODs
- c58 - Russian comments over recorded VODs
- Demos
- QuakeCon FlickrInterviews:
- c58
- strenx by 2GD
- Stermy by QL.tv
- Rick (WinFakt) by derQuaker
- cl0ck by QL.tv
- strenx by QL.tv
- rapha by QL.tv
- fox by QL.tv
- spart1e by QL.tv
- tox by CSN
- Chance by CSN
- DaHanG by CSN
- rapha by CSN
- fat by CSN
- Vo0 by CSN
- Ziel by CSN
- rapha by QL.tv before TDM Bronze
- strenx by QL.tv before TDM Bronze
- spart1e and Stermy by QL.tv before TDM Final
- Moscow Five interviews - English or Russian
Edited by xou at 16:47 CDT, 15 August 2011 - 27397 Hits