Scheduled: 14:00 CDT, 18 September 2011 to 17:00 CDT, 18 September 2011Schedule: Passed
ADL #2 will be run on September 18th starting at 14:00 CDT with 64 players maximum and a prize of $40 for first rank. Cup will be played over Single Elimination Brackets and bo3 matches. Only the Final will be bo5.
StywoO won
ADL#1 and is currently #1 in the standings.
Map Pool: Furious Heights, Aerowalk, Bloodrun, Lost World, Hektik, Toxicity, Battleforged
Check in begins at 12:30 CDT (for 1 hour) on
#rumblepit - Contact Mastertouch, Everamzah or Fear
Ranking Point Distribution
Players will receive ranking points based on their regular event placings. After the Regular Season finishes, the top 4 players will advance to the Final Event.
1st - 10 Points
2nd - 7 Points
3rd/4th - 5 Points
5th/8th - 3 points
9th/16th - 2 Points
17th/32nd - 1 Point
Rumble Pit is running its first Quakelive Duel League Season for 
North American players. There will be five regular cups where players earn ranking points. At the end of the regular season, the top 4 players will fight it out for the championship. A total of $300 will be up for grabs. North American players are encouraged to participate. All account types (Standard, Premium, and Pro) are welcomed.
9/18 – Regular Event ($40 Prize)
9/25 – Regular Event ($40 Prize)
10/9 – Regular Event ($40 Prize)
10/23 – Regular Event ($40 Prize)
11/6 – Final Event Top 4 Invited ($100 Prize)
Links: Streams + Bracket,
Sign Up -
Edited by xou at 02:01 CDT, 18 September 2011 - 17984 Hits