Just curious about this. Mainly interested in TDM or CTF. Here is the list I can think of -
NQR - 11 seasons with lots of side events, TDM
EQL - 14 seasons, TDM
Smackdown - Various, 1-6 seasons in EU with other multiple season events on other continents, TDM
ZDaemon(Doom 2) :
IDL - 11 seasons, CTF
Can anyone help fill in Q2/Q3/QL or other games such as Tribes, Unreal, etc. Thanks.
NQR - 11 seasons with lots of side events, TDM
EQL - 14 seasons, TDM
Smackdown - Various, 1-6 seasons in EU with other multiple season events on other continents, TDM
ZDaemon(Doom 2) :
IDL - 11 seasons, CTF
Can anyone help fill in Q2/Q3/QL or other games such as Tribes, Unreal, etc. Thanks.
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