Since there are ways to increase ones ping and the QL netcode gives certain advantages when playing with for example ping 42 instead of 16, would you consider ping increase some kind of cheat or immoral behavior?
77467 Hits
I think it has to do something with the QL netcode and fact that bloated cable connections (in some areas) are getting insanely delayed upstreams, even if the bandwith is stable 100/10mbit.
simply childish
I understand if that's hurting you of course
To reasure the others about your superioirty or about your migthy existenceWhat the fuck? get help.
You single handedly decided who is wrong and who is right
but -according to him - I'm talking "crap" when I say that playing QL with higher ping works out better for me (and for many others as well btw)
I'm sorry but the fact that it doesn't apply to you because of a terrible connection or anything else doesn't make it any less true.
It is like this for me, I play plenty of games (ping 15 - 25), most of the time all is fine I hit my shots. But every once in a while there is one low skilled, high ping opponent who is so tough to hit my acc drops to rock bottom. I say low skill because he does not dodge well, does not even aim well (I spec afterwards sometimes to check). Still he hits me with (hitscan) shots I cannot even see coming while I can hardly hit him at all. Next game, next opponent, everyting is back to normal. So, in your opinion, what is happening in those games? I am genuinely curious if you have any smart thoughts to offer
so are you implying that those numbers are not possible on LANs but they are possible online in QL, and if yes, it's because of the netcode in QL (which would validate this whole thread)colwn for example hit similar % online as on lan, that doesn't validate this thread.
I meant it's better than any kind of netcode solution what a developer could choose to make it fair for everyone, because there was almost no predicting "netcode" in osp.That's sounds very general, but ok.
If I have 25ms ping to a server, I don't need predictionGood for you, but a lot of people have a higher ping. You can ask for disabling prediction, that's your choice. But don't call it fair please.
"there is no way for a developer to make it fair for everyone!"