Hey everyone! The drafting ceremony was held last night and, after a lot of drama and hassle, 12 teams have been formed.
punani [ amph (captain), memphis, Lunokhod-2, myT, HellTiger, zigg ]
fern's team [ fern (captain), hoens, ganon, xrg, vinter, HzO ]
Za Pobedu! [ Polytech (captain), nono, blaze, zubich, LHC|freeslot, Empwnz ]
F-f-f-fight! [ Reptile (captain), Has3, nikre, GNZ, Sab0o, erhiy ]
sandslott [ ddk (captain), HAL, voodoochopsticks, LastBreath, ian__, Rez ]
Innit2Winnit [ gaiia (captain), _jones420, skawpet, madse, rush, nifwl ]
WeHeartPandas [ pan (captain), ele, dayum, kwong, fjjjjj, tab ]
Luftwaffle #1 [ nekon (captain), TheDynamite, neverGreen, dcy, b5k, space_bar, Jeralulz ]
rill-ni66az [ Liam (captain), _8bitlobster, Terifire, Eke, santile, inzov ]
russian invasion [ esc|eThaD (captain), xano0ch, CA|NE, dozi, LHC|nukemonk, crap ]
plusplus [ ahxnxa (captain), Djon, Plaisi, Anal, Beng, tupu_ ]
Luftwaffle #2 [ sbs (captain), mshi, mantra, xanhast, deotrip, lowrlol, LaNcER ]
Captains can pm their teamname to the admins and we'll edit this thread as required.
The teams have a week to practice, and on the 29th of April at 16:00 CET (NOTE: time changed from original post) the tournament starts. The system is going to be two 6-team groups, out of which 4 teams (that's 4 teams TOTAL so 2 teams out of each group) make their way out into the single-elimination brackets.
After all the group games have been played, two teams from both groups advance to a single elimination bracket. After the semi-finals the bronze match is played first, and then the final game.
The cup will still be played over a course of one single day, so please, stick to the schedule and be ready to play without much delay!
Group A:
fern's team
Luftwaffle #1
russian invasion
Group B:
Luftwaffle #2
Za Pobedu!
Group A:
Match A 16:00 punani vs WeHeartPandas / sandslott vs Luftwaffle #1 / fern’s team vs russian invasion
Match B 17:00 punani vs Luftwaffle #1 / WeHeartPandas vs russian invasion / sandslott vs fern’s team
Match C 18:00 punani vs russian invasion / Luftwaffle #1 vs fern’s team / WeHeartPandas vs sandslott
Match D 19:00 punani vs fern’s team / russian invasion vs sandslott / Luftwaffle #1 vs WeHeartPandas
Match E 20:00 punani vs sandslott / fern’s team vs WeHeartPandas / russian invasion vs Luftwaffle #1
Group B:
Match A 16:00 F-f-f-fight! vs plusplus / Luftwaffle #2 vs Innit2Winnit / Za Pobedu! vs rill-ni66az
Match B 17:00 F-f-f-fight! vs Innit2Winnit / plusplus vs rill-ni66az / Luftwaffle #2 vs Za Pobedu!
Match C 18:00 F-f-f-fight! vs rill-ni66az / Innit2Winnit vs Za Pobedu! / plusplus vs Luftwaffle #2
Match D 19:00 F-f-f-fight! vs Za Pobedu! / rill-ni66az vs Luftwaffle #2 / Innit2Winnit vs plusplus
Match E 20:00 F-f-f-fight! vs Luftwaffle #2 / Za Pobedu! vs plusplus / rill-ni66az vs Innit2Winnit
Match F 21:00 – 1st of Group A vs 2nd of Group B / 2nd of Group A vs 1st of Group B
Match G 22:00 – Bronze match – Losers of match F
Match H 23:00 – Grand final match – Winners of match F
GTV will be provided for as many games as humanly possible, and stream will try cover as many games as possible. The bronze final and the Grand final will be streamed without exception.
The schedule is not waterproof, as the games can end up either 2:0 or 2:1. If you're ahead of schedule, you can start playing your next game, if your opponent is also ready, as long as you inform the admins. (
gaiia or
Get Hyped!
Due to popular demand, ct3ctf2 will MOST LIKELY be replaced. Please vote in the poll to determine which map will take Fluorescent's place. Multiple answers are allowed.
Special thanks to

Djon and

rokky for helping out with miscellaneous tasks and to

Maverick|MSG for providing additional servers. <3