Am I the only one who likes Domination ? I think that it's a good gametype. It's fast-paced, newbie-friendly, it makes sense and there are a lot of maps which work with it.
Yup, it's pretty much fun. I was already sold with avoiding waiting times, as in RR, but the goals actually add interesting dynamics, with group of people rushing around, which is a good part of the fun.
meh, DOM is not challenging, its basically just as ez as CA. and considering theyre trying to charge people for something thats not anything innovative or much different from CA's gameplay, itll be dead after premium week is done. im still trying to get why duel of all things is not a premium mode when its the most challenging mode in the game for newbies.
Indeed. They should have the YA as a domination point, the mh as another, and the RA as the third one.
edit: or possibly keep the bridge one instead of the RA.
join #dompickup @ quakenet and hf!
like topic owner said :) and on this channel servers are spawned with no nades so you cant spam points and score is changed to make games a bit longer
Domination is the perfect mode to make happy both noobs and hardcores(tier slummers, team stackers, etc..)
in domination, when the weaker team get destroyed, they barely notice it, unless the difference is too much evident.
This because in domination, differently from CA, that have lost the throne for the newbies attractor, the objective is not to kill, but to make point; so, if in CA you kill 5 times and get killed 10, you disconnect and go away, while in domination everibody makes a point, sometimes; or at least the noobs are too much busy to notice they are greatly losing, for the usually QL reasons.
So, noobs are happy because in dom they can do something even if they would get destroyed in CA, and hardcores are happy because they can more or less easily massacre the noobs, score points, make teamworks if they want, etc..
Domination is the new goose that lays golden eggs for ID.
Yeah make this and/or Red Rover free imo. If id want to persist with holding some gamemodes back as premium content, they could swap them with CA.
I like the idea someone posted elsewhere though, of regularly rotating the free & premium content around. So free users would have access to a few gamemodes (and maps?) at a time, and every couple of weeks those modes would go premium and others would become free. There should always be some newbie-friendly modes and maps open for free users, of course.
its basically battlefields conquest mode which has been around for years.
but the problem is random spawns. in bf you spawn only on captured bases or your home base if u don't have any captured bases.
the random spawns in domination in ql make it just a chaotic non teamplay spammy mess. all aim and no brains. Its gonna be heaven for bots and slum lords. but its not very competitive.
I mean honestly.....the perfect example is when you win a good fight with a guy.....and in an instant he randomly spawns behind you for the cheezy kill. I mean noone will be able to take this game mode seriously. Thats not sportlike at all and nothing i'd pay for.
the concept is great....they just have to take it all the could be a great game mode.
its also shame how id did nothing to adress team stacking or slum lord alts with this update. I laugh at the fact they will just charing for these game modes and maps.....hahaha. id is in denial.
dude like i descsribed.. I will be on our own capture point...and i swear more then once someone i just killed....has spawned directly behind me and killed me before i could heal. the same guy i just killed....
i spawn randomly dude all over the dam map. at least thats what it feels like to me..
And make a duel variant of domination that both noobs and hardcore players can enjoy, make both free and voila! You have a popular quake game that will draw in paying customers!
How duel domination would work will be an exercise for the esr readers....
It is pretty great to be honest.
Games are fast in any matchup and you don't have to wait for 20 minutes if you're getting totally owned ... "dominated" ... until the clock runs out. A experience public TDM provides more then often.
It is newbie-friendly, but keep in mind that newbie-friendly is skilled-hostile. Though it might be the easiest mode out there: "just stay in one place and shoot at other randoms running at you," the majority of people still don't get it and run around like mindless sheep ruining the game for everybody.
I played a few games on it. It's excellent fun, but I can't help but think how much better it would be with items. That is how I always envisaged it about a year and a half ago when I found that legendary cvar which happened to be incidentally prophetic, but it ended up totally different from my expectations, and not in a good way. It's still much more fun than plain old CA though, and it might even bring some UT / Tribes players in.
Also, to those complaining about newbies spoiling the game because they don't know all the strategies: They're newbies. Leave them alone. If they're spewing constant spam in the chat or teamkilling or w/e that's a different story, but they're just trying to learn and it's a trial and error thing. Plus you can't just camp spots in Dom all day, you have to move around to check and make sure the other guys need help or not, or to try and capture other points.
Have you played this pql/vampiric CA btw?
It's way funnier than regular one. In regular after taking straight lg/rl fights you run out of hp quickly and must play +back rail or wait for campers to die. With life leech you can be agressive whole round as far as you actually deal more damage than you get. 8v8 ovekill is great fun :)
There is one eu server which has at least 8 players 24/7. It's customizable cvar but i think it's .75 on this server so rounds don't take forever and if you are fast and use fast weapon switch well then you can take 1v2 / 1v3 fights :)
I prefer 1. It's hilarious how people run out of ammo and are forced to use weapons they're not used to. Also, finishing the games with tens of thousands of damage dealt is amusing.
Domination is fun. There's a few problems with the placement of the nodes on some of the maps. It could be used in a competitive settings with some tweaks such as making it closer too TDM then to CA.
would be better on ctf maps i think, mirrored maps, everyone spawns in their own base, makes ppl think how to push out together than spawning alone somewhere on the map and just walk to the nearest uncaptured point. would definetly be cool on huge space maps with open areas, whole teams defending points with rg's and attackers spamming the defenders with the rest of the weapons.
also think quake is missing like a mod where the weapons can only stop the oponents and not kill them, that you have to prevent people from going places, higher knockbacks on weapons etc... force teleport on ppl, combinaion of team moves you can pull off on your enemies just to change the hole die spawn mechanics, change the whole quake mechanics in that you dont die, by prevention and you have to push through to make it, all weapon based skill... its like i dislike the whole getting fragged and spawn over and over again in this mod
Two Domination sample servers online in Europe.
0 Red Rover, Harvester and A&D. And 10 FreezeTag servers with 0 players playing. A&D and DOM needs more servers, nobody will play RR, FT and Harvester anyway.
Anyone tried DOM with weapon respawns and armors yet?
I wonder if the original Domination in UT had weapon respawns or was also "CA sytle" with all weapons at start?