Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 27 May 2012 to 11:30 CDT, 27 May 2012Schedule: Passed
Another 100€ is up for grabs, players of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged to play.
The previous cup that stirred some displeased emotions from one of the finalists can be watched in both English and Russian language. Current signups include southwestern's finest, Ins, Sl1p and p0ni.
We'll be able to see one of the most aggressive playstyles from Av3k. The likes of Cypher, agent and dem0n will be contending him.
Last minute signups include strenx, twister and pavel. Other notable sign-ups will be added promptly, as the signups are still in process.
VOD: Level Up TV
Links: Tournament page + Streams + Brackets, #zotac.qlive // HoF
Edited by Anhedonique at 15:10 CDT, 27 May 2012 - 32841 Hits