Event: DHS'12

In this interview, the player from Belarus talks about the grand final against Rapha, the problems he had with his setup, missing top players, QL state, Evil's performance, his aim and rockets and Shootmania.
Esportsfrance: Did you train for Shootmania already and do you really like the game as it is or are you just playing it because there are going to be tournaments and money to make ?
Cypher: First of all, I already said it, not first time, I don't understand the people, like people on ESReality that are talking trash about this game. I feel they didn't try it. In general, everybody who tries the game say it's fun. It's really fun. It lacks of modes like Quake has, like OSP but in general it's a really good teamplay game. There is teamplay but at the same time you can win a round on your own with railgun. It's a mix of duel and teamplay. [...]
Full video interview on esportsfrance
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Edited by Badb0y at 15:43 CDT, 19 June 2012 - 21733 Hits